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A character from Kat Cartwright and the Rocketeers

Grix of Pangaia

  • Name: Grix
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: Unearthly
  • Inspiration: Grimlock/Drax/Rocket Raccoon/Chewbacca
  • Voice Actor: Vin Diesel


  • Dinosaur-Man from the Planet Pangaia
  • Best Pilot in the Star Patrol
  • Markings of Experience
  • Playing Dumb


  • He's Too Damn Big
  • Predatory Appearance


  • Prowess: 7 (2 From Origin)
  • Coordination: 7
  • Strength: 8 (2 From Origin)
  • Intellect: 5
  • Awareness: 3
  • Willpower: 5

(31 points)


  • Invulnerability 4
  • Strike (Bite) 8
  • Super Senses - Enhanced Senses (Smell) 2

(14 Points)


  • Athletics 2
  • Pilot 3

(5 Points)

Stamina 13

Determination 1

Initiative 13


Grix stands 8 foot tall and weighs 200 serack. His scales are orange, with black tiger-like striped markings along his back. His crocodile-like head, dorsal sail, three digit hands and digitigrade legs mean he greatly resembles an Earther Spinosaurus.

Pangaia and the Automen

Pangaia is the definition of a political "sleeping giant". The people of Pagaia have never ventured forth (far), never built an empire, and aside from a few stray warriors seem pretty happy to live on the homeworld. Of course they'll defend themselves if attacked...

Such as the time Queen Mechanica got it in her head to plunder the natural resources of Pangaia. After all, Pangaia was not a part of the United Planets, so no one would come to their aid. How much resistance could one planet put up against her armies?

It did not end well for her. Rumour says the dinomen built a new flagship from all the destroyed Automen.

The United Planets were amazed when they received a message from Pangaia's High Council informing them that Pangaia would lend "significant resources" to the war effort against Queen Mechanica.

"Significant resources" turned out to be five Pangaians and one ship. It seemed like a bad joke until the techs took a look at the ship. Info on that project is still classified.

One of those Pangaians was Grix.

Grix and the Rocketeers

The first thing to say is that Grix loves being in space. Like, even more than he likes violence. He spent three years at the Pangaian Flight Academy just to be able to break atmo and was a member of Pangaia's elite Defense Squadron Ultra during Mechanica's attack. When the Council asked for volunteers, Grix was second to step forward (and only because those pesky Raptomorphs are so bloody fast).

Two things quickly became apparent: Firstly, Grix could fly anything as long as the controls didn't break under his grip.

Secondly, he's a one Spinosid wrecking machine. The first time he saw hand-to-hand combat his commanding officer was re-debriefed three times for his reports of Grix punching his way through a ship's hull and biting the Automen inside into two or three pieces.

After that, there was only one place for him: With Kat Cartwright and her team, the Rocketeers. Grix now pilots their rocketship, the UPSP Ponderosa.