Gur Hanrarden

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Savage Lands

Character Name[edit]

Name: Gur Hanrarden

Concept: Gladiator

Rank: Novice

XP: 4

Race: Mul

...................Strong; Strength d8

...................Large; Size +1

...................Tireless; +2 to Vigour rolls vs Fatigue

Bennies: X X


Agility d8

Smarts d4

Spirit d6

Strength d10

Vigour d8

Pace 6" / Parry 8 / Toughness 7 / Charisma -1



................... +2 to perform and resist Combat Tricks


................... +1 to his Fighting rolls versus an opponent with a single weapon and no shield. In addition, opponents subtract 1 from any “gang up” bonuses


One-Eyed - major

...................-1 to Charsisma, -2 to any trait requiring depth perception

Loyal - minor

...................Will not willingly betray trust of friends

Distinctive Appearance - minor

...................Massive triple scar across face and a white left eye


  • Fighting d12
  • Notice d4
  • Repair d4
  • Survival d4
  • Stealth d8
  • Throwing d4
  • Tracking d4


Total weight: 34

Long Sword x2 (16)

Bone Helm (6)

Light Chitin arm armor (4)

Heavy greaves (8)


"Who are you?!" Screamed the Ludus, the hot son reflecting off his golden skin. He sneered at the ranks as the answer boomed back.

"We are the Mul!" Came the stentorian reply from twenty thick-set throats

"What were you born for?!" bellowed the gladiator trainer.

"We were born to serve!" Was the bass shout.

"What do you live for?!" he shouted.

"We were born to die!" thundered the Mul gladiators.

Savage Lands