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Ser Hectar Vaerlys

Glory 1509[edit]

Glory this Session

50 for fighting the sea dragons

133 for defeating the strange knights

25 for helping to defeat the tree monster


Hectar had a privileged upbringing and a (mostly) loving and supportive family. He squired for his uncle Baktas, and achieved his knighthood by winning the squires' joust at a tourney when he was 19. Two years later, in the wake of his father's death, and the power struggle between his uncles for the late Lord Vaerlys' Lord Vraezor position, he fled his homeland to seek his own path, not wanting a part of the growing family in-fighting.

He made his way to the coast, taking up small mercenary jobs, and eventually joined a pirate crew, having been seduced by an alluring Captain who tantalised him with romanticised tales about life on the sea and the promise of vast personal wealth. He did well for himself for a while, but when the relationship came to an abrupt and messy end, he found himself back on dry land permanently again. The circumstances of his ejection from the crew can only be speculated upon, but any suggestion that it was the fault of Hectar's own roving eyes are vehemently denied, though he invariably refuses to offer his own interpretation.

So, the once proud and noble son of one of Asmrel's most powerful Houses returns to mercenary work, but with a new goal - to rebuild the wreck of his good name without becoming an abstinent bore in the process.

Personal Data[edit]

Age: 24

Son Number: 4

Homeland: Asmrel

Culture: Asmran

Religion: The Seven

Father: Lord Ottel Vaerlys (deceased)

Father's Class: Lord Vraezor

Lord: Lord Sir Kentyn Vaerlys

Current Class: Mercenary Knight

Current Home: None

Coat of Arms:


11 13 12 12 17
Dmg Heal Move HP Unc
4d6 2 2 23 6

Distinquishing Features Tall, Accent (Asmran), Piercing eyes.


Chaste 7/13 Lustful

Energetic 13/7 Lazy

Forgiving 10/10 Vengeful

Generous 10/10 Selfish

Honest 8/12 Deceitful

Just 13/7 Arbitrary

Merciful 10/10 Cruel

Modest 8/12 Proud

Pious 5/15 Worldly

Prudent 10/13 Reckless

Temperate 4/16 Indulgent

Trusting 9/11 Suspicious

Valorous 15/5 Cowardly

Suspicious (Ghandalar and Luuthaven) 5

  • Chivalry: ?
  • Religious: No
  • Famous Traits in bold


  • = check for advancement

Honor 15

Hospitality 15 *

Love (Family) 15

Loyalty (Asmrel) 15


Chain Mail Armour (10 points)

2 spears




5 lances

Fine clothing worth 1L

Personal gear

Travel gear

War gear.

3L to buy an okay combat horse (a rouncy) and a packhorse (a sumpter).

  • Horses

Non-Combat Skills[edit]

Awareness (5) 15

Boating (5)

Compose (0)

Courtesy (2) 3

Crown Tongue (0)

Dancing (4) 5

Faerie Lore (2)

Falconry (3)

First Aid (2) 3

Folklore (2) 3

Gaming (4)

Heraldry (2)

High Fashion (5) 15 (replaces Flirting. Can be used in place of Worldly and Pious)

Hunting (2) 10

Intrigue (4) 5

Orate (2) 3

Play (Harp) (2)

Read (Far Tongue) (0)

Recognize (2)

Religion (The Seven) (2)

Romance (5) 6

Singing (4)

Stewardship (2)

Swimming (2) 3

Tourney (2) 3

Combat Skills[edit]

  • = check for advancement

Battle (4) 10

Horsemanship (3) 14

Sword (4) 15

Lance (3) 10 *

Spear (2) 5

Dagger (5) 6



  • Old Knights


  • Middle Age Knights
    • Lord Sir Baktus Vaerlys (uncle, married)
    • Sir Maronz Vaerlys (uncle, married)

  • Young Knights:
    • Sir Kentyn Vaerlys (older brother)
    • Sir Frynn Vaerlys (older brother)
    • Sir Gilvon Vaerlys (paternal cousin)

  • Other Men: 13
  • Levy: ?


  • Marriage
  • Father
    • Ottel Vaerlys (deceased)
  • Mother
    • Mryve Vaerlys (née Jerayne)
  • Father's Siblings
    • Lord Sir Baktus Vaerlys
    • Sir Maronz Vaerlys
  • Mother's Siblings
    • Seyll Lekhret (aunt, married)
    • Kaurt Jerayne (uncle, unmarried)
    • Nomys Jerayne (uncle, unmarried)

  • Own Siblings
    • Lord Sir Kentyn Vaerlys (older brother, knighted, married)
    • Brother Alaryc Vaerlys (older brother, priest, unmarried)
    • Sir Frynn Vaerlys (older brother, knighted, unmarried)
    • Chekha Vaerlys (younger sister, married)
    • Beatryss Vaerlyss (younger sister, unmarried)
  • Children

XP Checks[edit]