Into the Wild Woods:Itzalaryn
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- Human Bodyguard (Assassin) L7
- XP: 65,000/120,000
- Alignment: Neutral
- Full PC
- STR 13 (+1)
- INT 14 (+1)
- WIS 14 (+1)
- DEX 14 (+1)
- CON 13 (+1)
- CHA 10 (--)
- Languages
- Common
- (Alabaster Principality - his homeland)
- (Is there a Wild Woods region dominate language?)
- General Skills
- Alchemy (proficient)(INT) 15+
- Athletics (b)
- Acrobatics (skilled) (DEX) 10+
- Jumping (skilled) (STR) 10+
- Deception (b)
- Escape Artist (skilled) (DEX) 10+
- Intimidation (skilled) (STR) 10+
- Defensive Stance (taken twice) (expert) (INT) 5+
- If successful, grants +2 to AC
- Open Doors on a 3 in 6
- Riding (proficient) (???)
- cast spells, attack, do tricks on horseback
- Survival (b)
- Navigation (skilled) (INT) 10+
- Wilderness Survival (skilled) (WIS) 10+
- Thief Abilities
- Climb (9+)
- Disable (8+)
- Hear Noise (9+)
- Read Languages (14+)
- Sleight of Hand (14+)
- Sneak (8+)
- Spot (8+)
- Class Abilities
- Bonus damage when attacking w/ surprise (+2D6)
- Thief Abilities (All via Rogue Knack at lvl 1)
- Wear any armor, use any weapons. (heavier than leather disables thief abilities)
- Successful attacks deal minimum 1D6 damage (lvl 6)
- Start with 2 skills (+1 for INT, +1 at lvl 3, lvl 5, lvl 7)
- Start with 1 knack (+1 at lvl 4, lvl 7)
- Start Proficient with Alchemy (lvl 1)
- Combat Maneuver - Defensive Stance (Proficient) (lvl 2)
- Cleave as a Fighter (up to 7 times)
- Combat Styles:
- Sword & Shield (lvl 1) (+1 AC for adjacent ally, or 2 allies immediately behind)
- Ranged (lvl 6) (+1 to hit, fire freely into melee)
- Knacks
- Rogue (lvl 1) (has all thief skills, 4 points per lvl to improve)
- Tough (lvl 4) (HD becomes D8)
- Divine Champion (lvl 7) (cast as 2nd lvl Cleric, 2 lvl 1 spells)
- AC 14 : 15 w/ shield : 16 w/ defensive stance : 17 w/ shield & stance
- HP 36
- HD: 7d8
- Movement Rate 120 (40)
- Initiative Modifier +1
- THAC0 [BaB] 14 [+5]
- Melee Attacks:
- -Mace 1h (+1 mace, +3 gauntlets, +1 STR) +5 1d6+5 Blunt
- -Sword 1h (+3 gauntlets, +1 STR) +4 1d8+4
- -Dagger 1h (+3 gauntlets, +1 STR) +4 1d6+4
- Ranged Attacks:
- -Short Bow 2h [50/100/150] (+1 DEX) +1 1d6
- -Dagger 1h [10/20/30] (+1 DEX) +1 1d6
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 9 [10 w/o ring]
- Poison & Death 10 [11]
- Blast & Breath 12 [13]
- Staves & Wands 11 [12]
- Spells 11 [12]
Per Devine Champion casts as 2nd level Cleric. Devoted to Andreatzanpona
- -according to his family, the goddess of prosperity
- -according to devotees he met in Kimrid, his family worship a heretical offshoot
- -Andreatzanpona is the goddess of luck, thieves, trickery, beggars, etc
- -One tenet Itzalaryn always follows is to destroy / sacrifice 10% of any treasure as an offering
- First Level: 2
- Cure Light Wounds
- Detect Magic
- Darkness / Light
- Cause Fear / Remove Fear
- TOTAL ENC CARRIED: 445 (unencumbered b/c of gauntlets)
- Leather armor +1 (Enc: 100) : +1 to AC
- Mace +1 (Enc: 15) : +1 to hit and damage
- Sword (Enc: 60)
- 6x daggers (Enc: 60)
- Short Bow (Enc: 30)
- -Quiver: 20 silver tipped arrows
- Shield (Enc: 100)
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power : +3 melee to hit and damage; unarmed damage d2+3; carry 1,000 additional weight before encumbered
- Ring of Protection +1 : +1 to AC and saves
- Adventuring Gear (Enc: 80)
- -Holy Symbol
- -Backpack
- -Bedroll
- -Lantern
- -2x Flasks of Oil
- -Tinder Box
- -Small steel mirror
- -Small hammer
- -24 iron spikes
- -50' rope
- -grappling hook
- -7 days iron rations
- -2 Waterskins
- WARHORSE TOTAL ENC CARRIED: 500 (Speckled grey, named Ashes)
- Saddle
- Saddle bags
- Tack & Harness
- Suit of Plate for Itzalaryn (Enc: 500)
- Finances
- 3,370 gold remaining
- -5,000 spent on armor
- -630 spent on gear
- -1,000 "tithed" to Andreatzanpona