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Jan Jan monk4 /ranger 4


Jan is an Exalted ranger who used to be a farmer was captured by slavers and his wife and kids were killed . He was trapped in a cell with Delake and was given potions of charm and elixirs of love and forced to look at her while they took effect..and it was a bad day. She infected him with lycanthropy and used him to try to escape. After the magic had passed..which the lycantrhopy removed but left him in her thrall like a vampire and its children. He followed her and worked for her ..trying to make up for the wrong he had unwantingly done to her. He became jealous of Vidkun (the spy) and knew he was bad news and they fought back and forth. in the end He realized he was truly in love with Delake after Kiri had freed him with a wish. And now Jan and Delake are expecting a child. Samantha (delake's ward) calls him dad , he is happy for that. He became a monk when he realized he needed to be stronger and worked to be stronger.

rp: think...Kain from kung fu the legend continues , he likes to help. he is strong (VERY strong) and is devoted to Delake and his pack. He also thinks Kiri is an alpha for some reason..and for a brief time before he confessed to Delake thought it was Kiri he liked but realized it was misplaced gratitude for his freedom...although he does find her attractive and nice..he would never cheat on Delake....even if she jokes about him and Kiri...at least he thinks Delake is joking about the burlap sack and offereing his services to her for a few evenings.

He is fatherly to the children or teens , he is nearing his 30's and knows patience.

Jan is now Married to Delake and have 5 children. Wrath of the Lich Queen