Jet Chthonios

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Jet Chthonios[edit]

The Cthonios family were one of the first groups of human refugees to swear their allegiance to the Old Iron Kingdom after the 3rd Cataclysm. They served dutifully and with honor since then, and The Cthonios family's fortune rose with the Kingdom.

Jet is the inheritor of a legacy of honor and service to the ancient kingdom and strove to be an exemplar of his family's ideals. For years he served, protecting the kingdom from bandits, monsters and raids from New Ore Guerillas. As hhis duty too him across the Buried Kingdom, Jet's rock solid beliefs about the Old Iron Kingdom and his place in it eroded. He no longer felt sure this was where he belonged, but could not even find the words to express his deconstruction. He had given his fealty, but must his life be spent in servitude? Was he just a weapon, a tool to be used? Sometime to defend the innocent, but other times to kill others fighting for their own beliefs.

Jet kept his inner turmoil secret for years, until he fell heroically in battle. He awoke days later, and found he was missing presumed dead. In "death" he found freedom, and left to wander the world to in search of himself.

  • Calling: Champion
  • Rank 2 (XP 7/12)
  • Species: Human, Native
  • Homeland: Buried Kingdom
  • History: underland Soldier
  • Languages: Low Speech, Under Warble


My history grants me a Minor Bonus (+2) on...

  • Rank and file conduct
  • Keeping you gear maintained
  • Staring down the enemy


  • Might 10 (Base 10)
  • Deftness 9 (Base 9)
  • Grit 9 (Base 9)
  • Insight 7 (Base 7)
  • Aura 8 (Base 8)


  • Mage Breaker: Aura Check/Contest vs magical effects


Combat Momentum: I am a master of cutting a destructive path through a swarm of enemies

  • If I land a finishing blow against an opponent in Meele, I gain a Chain Attack against another foe in the same area.
  • Rank 1: I have one Chain Attack per round which
    • Has a Minor Bonus (+2) on the attack roll.
    • Does an extra Heart of Damage if I land a successful strike.

Favored Weapon: I am intimate with all weapons, and tend to them like a good parent would their children. But, like all parents, I harbor a secret favorite.

  • I gain +1 to my Attack Bonus when using my favored weapon.
  • Rank 1: Master is my favored weapon.

Into The Fray: I am able to vary my fighting style to suit the battle, applying caution, flair or precision when and where it is required.

  • Each Round during a Fight, I can choose between the following:
    • Daring: Perform an Attack Stunt without making a wager
    • Tooth and Nail: Use a mundane (non-magical) Attack to harm a creature that is normally immune to them.
    • Whirlwind Defense: Temporarily increase your Defense Rating:
      • Rank 1: +1 to Defense Rating

Brazen Defense (Prodigy): I have such contempt for my opponents that it’s all the armor I need.

  • I get a + 4 to your Naked Defense Rating.
  • This bonus is applied instead of, not in addition to, any bonus related to the Armor I wear.
  • When I wear Armor I can choose whether to use the bonus from Brazen Defense or the one provided by my Armor.

Vagrant Blade (Rank 2): Much wandering in search of my next battle has provided me with a natural sense of direction and an affinity with the townsfolk I meet on my travels.

  • I can act as a Guide when on a Journey.
  • I can attempt to get free Room & Board for up to a week.
    • Finding lodgings requires an Aura Check
      • Success: Your stay is free.

Social Bonds & Reputations[edit]

Allegiance: Gifts:


  • Hearts: 3
    • Base 3
    • Injuries:
  • Defense Rating: +14 (Base +10)
  • Speed Rating: Average

Attack Bonus:

  • Glorious Hammer, Attack +3, Master, bonuses: NA, extra damage: +1 Heart for Attack roll totals 18 and above, abilities: +1 to Attack rolls
  • Tunnel Truncheon, Attack +2, Standard, bonuses: NA, extra damage: +1 Heart for Attack roll totals 20 and above, abilities: NA
  • Underland Rifle, Attack +4, Large Mechanical Missile, bonuses: Range 2 Battlefield Areas, extra damage: +1 Heart for Attack roll totals 18 and above, abilities: Thunderous Shot, +2 to Attach Roll


Retrieving items takes 2 Actions from a Backpack and 1 Action from a Traveler's Bag

Worn Outfit: Functional Outfit

Inventory Slots: 5.5/15 (additional slots: Backpack)

  • Jolt Juice, Basic Potion x2 (one slot)
  • Underland Rifle (two slots)
  • Ammo x5 (5/10 slots)
  • Tunnel Truncheon (1 slot)




  • Stones: 80
  • Coins: 2
  • Gems: 0