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neutral good male gnome Druid

Jokre seem to be an goodmannered fellow. He's straightforward, honest and down to earth. he talks with a certain rustic manner, and all of his person really tells about a life on the country. Although slightly simple, Jokre is a deep thinker. He might not be good at math and fancy wordplay, but his thoughts are usually very insightful.

Jokre is a very short gnome. He seem to be fairly young, but already his hair and beard is graying, giving him an elderly look. Jokre wears some worn out commoners clothes and is never armed.

Jokre has lived all his life outside the big buzzling civilization, only visiting it once a year to sell his harvest. It was during one of these trips that he by coincidence saved Rupert from a burning building. Since then he has started to wander through Eberron and he has seen his fair amount of sights. He recently arrived to Caer with the intention of setting up a healer's shop. Since then he has actually created his own little place, near the keep. It's just a little hut, but it seems sprung from earth itself. There Jokre brews weird potions or take care of the smaller animals that doesn't need visisting. He's quite liked among the few farmers that inhabit Caer Shadowfast

Winthrope Jokre's badger friend

Watch out, Winthrope got fleas.

Notes: Jokre talks with a heavy dwarfish accent.


Jokre was the person who gave Rupin his bronze armlet, apparently aware of the evil entity living within it. Apparently, the gnome had made a deal with said entity. In exchange for the entity to revive his dead mistress he'd find a person of the Addleworth line to free it. Once the entity, known now as Addwealth broke free, Jokre encountered him, hoping for his reward. Addwealth declined though, claiming that Jokre would die of a heartattack soon enough anyway. And true enough, a few seconds later the gnome died.

Shadows over Cyre