Joseph Williams
Joseph Williams had a rather idyllic childhood for a while. His parents were poor, but they really loved both him and each other and took very good care of him. Then, when he was eight years old, they were both killed in a car accident, of all things. From there, he was shuttled through an endless sequence of foster homes. He wasn't cute enough and was far too quiet, and just never got picked for adoption by anyone.
He was always a really nice guy, the kind who legitimately cared about his fellow human beings and wanted to make the world a better place. He was also pretty smart, and worked hard to get into a profession that would allow him to help people. Specifically, people as unfortunate as he had been. He succeedsd in doing so by becoming a Social Worker, and worked hard to make things better. Unfortunately he was also really bad at backing down, even when he should, and wound up on the wrong side of a rather large man with a knife who'd been abusing his kids, his outbreak occurred then, and he threw the man across the room with telekinesis, and, in a fit of rage, literally rewrote the man's mind. An act he still feels guilty over, as that amounts, at least in his opinion, to the death of one man and creation of another, and the man's crimes didn't warrant execution.
Since then, he's been attempting to do as much good as possible, but in a smart way. Towards this end, he's been making as many powerful friends as he can without doing anything wrong, and in furthering that goal he's let a few people know he's a telepath. He, for the most part, leaves people with the impression he's a low-level telepath with nothing resembling Mind Control, Mental Blast, or Telekinesis, and certainly not superhuman toughness. This has resulted in a few calls like the one he got about Amanda, and few problems thus far.
On the lighter side of things, while in college, Joseph was always a shy, kinda geeky, guy, but made friends and had quite a lot of fun. He met Gabriel then, and, for all their differences, found in common a love of music, and wound up the lead guitarist in a band, something that still mystifies him somewhat. He also discovered RPGs in college, and manages to get in a game here and there, despite his busy schedule.
Joseph is, as mentioned above, a really nice guy. He's also quiet, and a bit shy around women he's attracted to. His most defining feature, however, is probably a sense of responsibility. He believes that, as human beings, everyone has a responsibility to do as much good as they can, and that, as someone with powers, the scope upon which they can work is broadened immeasurably. This also means that he takes tresponsibility for the consequences of his actions, or of his failures to act, very much to heart and considers them carefully before acting.
Physical Apearance:
Nothing special. He's got frizzy brown hair, brown eyes, and is a little too pale. He's not ugly or anything, but he's nothing special either. He tends to blend into a crowd. He does have a nice smile, though.
In combat, Joseph's tactics depend on what he's facing. Versus large numbers of weak opponents, he'll use Mental Blast to good effect, while single, powerful, enemies are more likely to result in him using Mind Control to end things quickly. If, for some reason, his foes are immune or of above average resistance to his mental powers, he'll fall back on his Telekinesis, using the Perception range version against dodgy types and the other version on bricks.
Associated NPCs:
Coming Soon!
Character Sheet:
Joseph Williams aka Seizure
PL: 10 (160 pp)
Abilities: Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 10 (+0) Con: 40 (+15) Int: 18 (+4) Wis: 28 (+9) Cha: 14/20 (+2/+5)
Skills: Bluff 13 (+15/+18), Concentration 4 (+13), Diplomacy 8 (+10/+13), Gather Information 13 (+15/+18), Investigate 4 (+8), Knowledge (Popular Culture) 1 (+5), Knowledge (Current Events) 1 (+5), Knowledge (Civics) 1 (+5), Knowledge (Behavioral Science) 7 (+11), Knowlege (Streetwise) 2 (+6), Language 1 (Spanish), Notice 4 (+13), Perform (Guitar) 9 (+11/+14), Profession (Social Worker) 4 (+13), Search 1 (+5), Sense Motive 15 (+24),
Feats: Connected, Dodge Focus 5, Fearless, Jack of All Trades, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Gather Information, Diplomacy, Sense Motive), Well Informed, Ultimate Effort (Will Saves), Uncanny Dodge (Mental),
Powers: Immunity 1 (Sleep) (1 pp)
Super Senses 8 (Mental Awareness, Accurate, Extended 1, Radius, Acute, Sense) (8 pp)
Mental Blast 10 [Extra: Area-Burst, Selective Attack, Flaw: Action-Full, Power Feats: Subtle 2,
AP: Mind Reading 10 (Extra: Duration-Sustained, Power Feats: Subtle 2)+Communication (Mental) 10+ESP (Mental Senses) 10 (Power Feats: Subtle 2)+Comprehend 3 (Speak and Understand All Human Languages. Includes Literacy.)+Enhanced Charisma 6* (Flaws: Duration-Sustained, Only those being Mind Read)
AP: Mind Control 10 (Extras: Sensory Link, Duration-Continuous. Power Feats: Mental Link, Subtle)
AP: Mental Transform 10 (3pt version. Extras: Duration-Continuous, Range-Perception. Power Feats: Subtle 2)
AP: Telekinesis 10 (Extras: Damaging, Range-Perception, Power Feats: Precise, Subtle)+Flight 6
AP: Telekinesis 14 (Extra: Damaging. Power Feats: Precise 2, Subtle)+Enhanced Feats 7 (Attack Specialization-TK: 3, All-Out Attack, Accurate Attack, Defensive Attack, Power Attack)] (57 pp)
Combat: Attack +0 (+6 Telekinesis) [Mental Blast +10, Telekinesis 1+10, Telekinesis 2+14] Defense 15 (10 flat-footed) Init +0
Saves: Toughness +15 Fortitude +15 Reflex +0 Will +15
Power Loss-Super Sense-Chlorine (Uncommon, Minor) (+1pp)
Weakness-Chlorine-Uncommon, Moderate (-1 Con), per minute, can kill (+5pp)
Abilities 60 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 66 + Combat 0 + Saves 6 – Drawbacks 6 = 160 / 160
Tradeoffs: Attack -0/4 // Save DC +0/4, Defense -5 / Toughness +5
- This particular power represents the usefulness of saying (or playing) something precisely the way someone wants to hear.
His physiology was extremely altered when he became a super, as reflected in his Immunity, enhanced Constitution and Weakness (which, BTW, includes the amount present in your average swimming pool, but not that present in tap-water). It's also painfully distracting, interfering with his normal mental awareness.
He hasn't actually started going by Seizure (appropriate both due to Mental Blasts and his "seizing" control of target's minds) yet, but he's thought about the idea and is prepared in case he needs to.
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