Last Emperor: Merit: Bardic Music

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Bardic Music (2 to 5 dots)[edit]

Prerequisites: Expression 3[edit]

The baridic music merit allows the trained bard to use their musical talents to magically inspire and encourage others around them. These effect are magical.

Countersong (2 dots)[edit]

Countersong allows the bard to counter the effects of other baridic song ability or other sonic or sound based attacks. Each round the bard makes a Presence + Expression roll, where each success adds 1 die to any resistance rolls made by all creatures within 30 feet. Usually the bard can keep up the countersong for 10 rounds.

Inspire Competence (2 dots)[edit]

The bard's singing can create a mental focus and lift their spirits to allow them to finish a task. The bard can make a Presence + Expression roll as a teamwork roll (nWod P.134), adding the number of successes to primary actors dice pool.

Inspire Courage (3 dots)[edit]

The bard's singing gives all allies within hearing range a +2 die bonus to any resistance rolls to any fear or charm Mind spell effects. They also get a +1 die bonus to attack rolls. The effect requires one round of singing and last for five rounds after the bard stops singing.

Fascinate (3 dots)[edit]

The bard's singing or poetry rescitation can facinate a single creature which can see and hear the bard. The bard makes a Presence + Expression roll, resisted by (minus) the target's composure. The fascination lasts for two rounds per success.

Suggestion (4 dots)[edit]

The bard may now implant a Suggestion into a creature he has Fascinated (see Fascinate above).

Inspire Greatness (5 dots)[edit]

The bard's singing ability can inspire great things in those that follow their stories. By retelling a story, and making a Presence + Expression roll, for each success one creature is inspired. These inspired creatures gain Two dots of health, +2 dice to all attack rolls, +1 dot of stamina. These bonuses last for as long as the bard continues to sing and for 5 rounds afterwards.

Last Emperor: Merits list