Last Emperor: Merit: Fighting Style: Power Weapon attack

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Fighting Style: Power Weapon attack (1 - 4 dots)[edit]

Prerequisites: Strength 3, Weaponry 2.[edit]

You are trained in a fighting style which emphasises brute strength over any kind of finesse.

Power Attack (1)[edit]

By taking a -2 to your Defense, you get a +1 to your Attack. You can not apply both a Power Attack and an all-out attack (WoD p. 157) in the same turn.

Sunder (2)[edit]

You are able to attack your opponent's weapons more effectively. Your attack now has a piercing attack of 1 point (see Piercing Durability Wod P. 138). This only applies to your opponents weapons, including guns, but not other objects or armor.

Normally attacking a weapon is at a -3 penalty (due to size). Any successes are reduced by the Durability of the weapon (usually 2 or 3), and the remainder applied to the item Structure (Durability + Size, usually 4 or 5 for weapons).

Great Blow (3)[edit]

By taking a -4 to your Defense, you get a +2 to your attack. You can not apply both a Great Blow and an all-out attack (WoD p. 157) in the same turn.

Great Sunder (4)[edit]

As Sunder, except your piercing rating is 2.

Last Emperor: Merits list