Last Voyage of Delilah, Episode 101: An Auspicious Start, Special Features

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Huòqǔ tā mā dele wǒ de jū! = 獲取他媽的了我的車!= Huh-chee tah mah duh-luh woh duh chuh! = Get the fuck off my truck! Sound clip
shānyáng tā mā de fèifèi de érzi = 山羊他媽的狒狒的兒子 = Shan yang tah mah duh fay-fay duh er-zuh = Son of a goat-fucking baboon Sound clip


(when we ask where Poco's from…) That's the ticket, yeah. Bellerophon. Valentine isn't fooled but lets it slide.

Valentine: And you are an engineer of some sort?
Poco: Of a sort, yeah.
Rachel: So, where you been hidin'?
Poco: Ahhhhh …
Valentine: To be honest, I don't care.
Poco: Excellent!
Valentine: As long as you didn't destroy anything while you were hiding.
Poco:No. I didn't destroy anything while I was hiding… Shortly before I was hiding, yes.

(on finding out about the weapons cache)
Tian: No, we got a bigger problem. Because if these crates weren't tampered with before they left IRP … Some shānyáng tā mā de fèifèi de érzi—
Anatole: "Insert Chinese here".
Vikki: With hand gestures.

(on examining the bullets …)
She takes up one of the bullets and examines it in the containment box. She determines that the bullet tips are made of a type of plastic designed to break on contact. That suggests an aerosol dispersal. Valentine looks over her shoulder.

Tian: That doesn't look good.
Valentine: Then in that case, it's mostly likely to react with the air and go into a gas form as the best way to disperse it.
Tian: Yeah. I don't like that.

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