Last Voyage of Delilah, Episode 104: Home Fires Burning, Special Features

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pìgu = 屁股 = pee-gooh = butt, bottom, bum, buttock, arse, ass Sound clip
yáng fèn = 羊糞 = yahng fehn = sheep excrement Sound clip


Bonjour, Monsieur = Bohn-zhoor, Mih-syoor = Good morning, Sir Sound clip


Bozhe moi = Боже мой = Boh-zheh moy = My God! (exclamation) Sound clip


(Part 1: On getting money for forged documents….)
Vikki: I know. We can knock over the Blue Sun Snack Kiosks after the bars close.

(Part 1: On returning to Anson's World to acquire the Baron's brewery)
Anatole: Given our hasty departure, I doubt we could convince the Captain to return.
Rachel: Ahh … well. We could run it by him and see if he'd be inclined. It not that I don't think I could bother him about leavin', it might be landin' again that I'll have to talk him into.
Tian: (snickers) Ain't that the truth.

(Part 3: On being warned off from the special cargo)
Valentine: I just wanted to make sure we had that out there so that no one could say that I didn't say.
Rachel: But you didn't say I couldn't smell it.
Valentine: No, actually, I did. I did say that.
Rachel: (longingly) But it smells forbidden.
Tian: He did cover all the bases.
Rachel: (forlorn) It smells forbidden. (mimes licking cargo) It tastes forbidden. (wimpers, hides face) Fobidden … (wimpers)

(Part 3: Upon Selezneva's declining special food rations…)
Selezneva: (arch) Darling, I barely eat.
Valentine: Fair enough
Poco: Yeah, she'll just be bumming cigarettes off'a Poco.
Rachel: (mimicking accent) Look et thees boddy. Yoor ceegarehts hehz oil, mek me hurt.

(Part 3: Vikki telling Val about the secret conversation she overheard…)
Vikki: (nods) Talking to someone … and one of them said, "They're good people. I think we can trust them." They guy on the other end of the line said, "You do what you have to do". And that was pretty much the end of that. So now I'm wondering—oh, God, now I sound like Tian, I can't believe I'm saying this and—they looked so nice. Um, so … for all I know—the guy on the other end of the line was gruff and fatherly and maybe they were discussing with the grandfather who paid for their passage about their reception on Beaumonde or maybe they're not who they say they are and they're actually spies. What sort of "nice people"? Us sort of nice people? Somebody else nice people? And what do they have to do? Kill us? Like us? What?
Tian: (laughing) Welcome to my world.

(Part 4: On Poco's approval of Valentine's guts…)
Poco: (to Valentine) It's good to know that you don't trust every pretty face that walks by, then.
Vikki: He trusted you, didn't he?
Everyone: *GROAN!*
Valentine: Thank you.

(Part 4: On the nature of jobs never being closed to Rachel …)
Rachel: Val, there ain't no job that I wanted that I can't get.
Valentine: I'll buy you that, but I'm still pretty sure you still turned down that one.
Rachel: No pilot job is ever closed to a McAllister. Ever.
Poco: There was several engineerin' jobs closed to me.
Valentine: How many engineering jobs were there?
Poco: Well, there's Bellerophon. Persephone. And Londinium. (laughs) And I should probably stay out of Blue Sun entirely. Red Sun's not so good either. And then there's the—
Valentine: It might be easier to list all the places that you're allowed to be.
Poco: None'a them. There's a lotta planets I don't know the name of that I'm not welcome on.

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