Last Voyage of Delilah, Episode 105: Beaumonde Shell Game, Special Features

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Do svidaniya! =До свидания!= Doh svee-dahn-yah!= Goodbye! Sound clip
Komissar =комиссар = Kum-mee-sahr = Commissar Sound clip (Further translation here)
Khuy tebe! = Хуй тебе! = khoy teeb-yeh! = (interj.) You dick! Sound clip


Alea iacta est = Ah-lay-uh yahk-tah est = The die is cast Sound clip


Papiers, s'il vous plaît. = pap-pee-yehr seel-voo-play = Papers, please. Sound clip
Très bien. Avancez le long. Suivant! = Treh bee-ahnn. Ah-vahn-see luh lung. Swee-vahn! = All right. Move along. Next! Sound clip
Au revoir, Mademoiselle! Madame! = Oh rev-wahr Mad-mwah-zell! Muh-dahm! = Goodbye, Miss. Ma'am! Sound clip
Oui = Wee = Yes Sound clip
la Femme = lah Fahm = The Woman Sound clip


Yuàn shàngdì tuī yǔzhòu zhōng de suǒyǒu xíngxīng héng pánle wǒ de pìgu! = 願上帝推宇宙中的所有行星橫盤了我的屁股! = May God shove all the planets in the universe sideways up my ass! Sound clip
Zhè jiāng shì yǒuqù! = 這將是有趣!= Jeh chyang shee yo-chee = This is going to be fun! Sound clip


Part 1:
(On Valentine's assertion he's not a do-gooder)
Poco: That's it. I just wanted to make sure that we were, you know, that we were clear. No need to go helpin' the locals.
Valentine: I don't know who you think I am, but I'm not the White Knight.
Tian: Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Part 1:
(On the complications inherent with landing…)
Valentine: Our ship has complications? What?
Tian: Shocking. Shocking, I tell you.
Valentine: "Your winnings, sir."

Part 1:
(On driving the truck Poco will bring back…)
Vikki: Do you want to teach me to drive?
Tian: Hell no, I'm not teaching you to drive. Do I look gorram crazy to you?
Vikki: Aww, Mom-mmmmmm …. You used to be so cool.

Part 2:
(On giving the Captain the important heads-up as needed …)
Valentine: To be honest, I would gladly trade the port fee reduction for knowing that there are people who are more interested in the cargo in our hands. Let me know. Just if you find this stuff out, let me know. It's not that difficult. I was right there on the ramp.
Rachel: That would have required walkin' back up that way.
Tian: (spit-take!)
Vikki: How like a cat.

Part 2:
(On possible strategies for getting people to follow the decoy truck…)
Vikki: I feel like we should have a speaker on the top of the cab playing really bad tinny music, with "Ice Cream" blazoned on the side. Just like my old neighborhood.
Tian: Can the clinic actually be moved? If we move the clinic, it would like we're moving big cargo, which is what they're looking for.
Poco: The truck's already enclosed. It could be empty and they'd still follow it.

Part 2:
(On the decoy truck being spotted …)
Valentine: (changes channel) Poco. Bring her on in.
Poco: A'right. (comms Tian) Don't get jumped.
Tian: You know what? I'd rather get jumped than you get jumped.
Poco: Me too.
Tian: (laughs) You are just fabulous, Poco.
Valentine: Let's not have anybody jumped and we'll just go from there.
Tian: (laughs) Things don't go that smooth, baby.
Valentine: Maybe this time they will.
Tian: Ever the optimist.

Part 3:
(On spotting the aircraft tailing them ...)
Tian: Don't turn around.
Vikki: Why? Is the Komissar in town?

Part 3:
(On taking the cargo off the trunk at risk of it sinking into the swamp …)
Poco: The only other thing we could do, by the by, is to actually take the cargo out of the truck. So they'll see the explosion … (laughs) … and think the cargo's destroyed.
Valentine Aren't we in the middle of a swamp?
Rachel: It'll sink on the swamp.
Poco: I'm just sayin'.
Valentine: I would hate to ruin the cargo. It's pretty secure but she was treating it relatively delicately—
Poco: Wait-wait. We were supposed to be delicate with it? I've been giving it the UPS treatment.

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