Last Voyage of Delilah, Episode 109: Sophian Secrets, Part 2
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Tian blinks ever so slightly and nods her understanding. Please continue.
Director: I travelled off-world a few years ago as part of a diplomatic effort. You may have heard there were some hostilities in the area.
Tian: Yes, I heard. I'm aware.
Director: During this time I was forced by the length of my journey to consume meals and … I'm having …
Tian: Are you suffering symptoms at this time of the plague?
Director: I think that is possible. However, I … I need to know how serious this is.
Tian: All right.
Director: Is it possible that …
She goes to her computer and turns it on. She bids Tian to come sit and look at what she pulls up on the display screen. Tian sees a relatively standard patient chart. It looks like it's years old. Tian skims over it.
Director: This is a physical I had before I took my trip. You may notice that some of my blood chemistry would be different from a typical patient that you would encounter in the Verse, I would imagine. Our diet and some genetic modifications have altered that for various purposes.
Tian: As I understand, the commune in which you live has actually done breeding work, yes?
Director: We don't breed in the meaning of the term you use.
Tian: I meant in terms of DNA.
Director: Yes. WE have some genetic manipulation and then we also have modification. And everyone here, of course, has been cloned.
Tian: Do you have a current scan?
The Director seems hesitant to answer. Is it embarrassment or a need for discretion?
Director: I do not. I'm not sure I want to do that. You see—and I'm not a doctor, so you'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge about these things—when Erewhon was founded, one of the causes of conflict that we noted back on Earth was sexual congress, which is why we've done away with sexual activity and the emotional conflicts that go with it, especially in a small insular environment such as we have here. One of the ways we've done away with it is by suppressing certain hormonal systems in our population.
Tian: All right.
Director: It appears—I believe, if I understand the literature correctly—that some of the symptoms I'm having suggests that as one of the consequences of the genetic pandemic is that some of that has been undone in me.
Tian: Oh. All right.
Tian steels herself not to blink in surprise. She can see that the Director is worried for her health and is as distressed as the colonists allow themselves to express it. Which isn't very much, to be sure, but Tian can sense the other woman's discomfort nevertheless. So Tian keeps any judgment or surprise from her expression, keeping it just two people talking professionally about a problem. The Director seems reassured by Tian's demeanor and she continues with more confidence.
Director: Now if this is going to be fatal, I will need to have this cure and I probably should have it done anyway, but just on the off change that it is not treated, I wonder if there are long term negative consequences.
Tian: The effects that come with the hormonal changes are likely not in any way dangerous to you.
Director: Yes, they don't seem unpleasant.
Tian: The plague itself, however, could in fact be fatal because it will continue to change your genetic structure until such a time as some change kills you. For example, Nuri was affected in her heart and that was the reason for the situation she found herself in. I have seen patients who have literally manifested extra organs, tumors in various places—brain, lungs, etc.—That being said, depending what a scan shows, it is possible that I can give you the vaccination that I am carrying aboard, which is my original reason for being in space, to vaccinate people who were exposed. The vaccination would take care of the plague itself, but I cannot promise it would, number one, reverse in any way what has already happened to you but it should arrest any further changes and, number two, depending what has already occurred there are potentially fatal problems that you are suffering that I may be able to address before I leave.
The Director sits and thinks.
Tian: I gather that there would possibly be severe consequences if this should come to light, for you?
Director: Not necessarily.
Tian: You seem very concerned at the idea that you're different, now.
Director: We don't share … This is not something that happens here. It is .. embarrassing.
Tian: I understand. The reason I was asking for your help is that the scanners aboard our vessel do not in any way measure up to the ability to take those sorts of scans. That said, if we could cover such a scan of you under the premise of bringing Nuri in for a scan, that you were extending us that courtesy, then certainly no one would be any the wiser.
Director: It's unusual not to have any of our medical technicians present. Although … (thinks) …
Tian: If you would rather be scanned aboard the vessel, I will certainly scan you with what I have and do what I can for you.
Director: Your vessel frightens me.
Tian: I cannot say that I blame you.
Director: If I already have a fatal disease, I don't want to compound the problem by any sort of contamination.
Tian is not offended at all. She privately agrees with the Director's opinion of the state of the ship.
Tian: I would very much like to for you to allow me to give you the vaccination, regardless of whether you choose to help us beyond that or not. I would like to go ahead and give you the vaccination to arrest any further changes. And at least that, no one will ever know, unless you choose to divulge it.
Director: You are bound not to disclose this, no matter what.
Tian: I am absolutely bound not to disclose this.
Director: Very good. I need to think about this. There are risks in both … areas.
Tian: All right.
Director: We're done.
Everything comes to a screeching halt. No small talk. They're done. Tian nods her thanks and leaves. She doesn't see Valentine and starts retracing her steps to find him.
Valentine is still in the cafeteria with Poco. Rachel walks up and joins them as Valentine talks.
Valentine: Man, this Two-Juice guy is really—maybe I should go back to the ship because if I stay here any longer I am going to go over to him and say something I'm going to regret.
Poco: I'm tempted to go get another juice.
Rachel: Why're y'all starin' at that man over there?
Valentine: Two juices. It's highly unusual in a society like this. Think about it. (off her look) And then think about it some more.
Rachel: Whyn't ya just get another one, honey, if you want it? Bless your heart, I'm sure you can get another one.
Rachel thinks that Valentine might very well have gone mad from the stultifying atmosphere of this colony. Valentine thinks that it would just be better if he went back to the ship before he causes a scene. Poco gets another juice and both he and Rachel go back to the ship. Once he's back on the ship, Poco's smoking up a storm. Oh yeah. So much better than a glass of juice…
Valentine and Tian get back to the ship last. Valentine switches back to Captain-mode to discuss Tian's visit with the Director.
Valentine: Any luck?
Tian: Possibly. I'll let you know one way or another.
Valentine doesn't ask for more information and lets the matter drop. There are other matters to attend to. For one, they're going to be another day on the ground without any cargo to move. That's going to cut into the ship's finances but that can't be helped. They are, after all, trying to help Nuri. In addition, Poco's working on another round of repairs. Poco mutters as he works, trying to intuit the problem. Valentine prosaically points out that some of the wiring is frayed. Poco finds the problem but in trying to repair it, he makes the problem worse.
While Mortimer is happily gnawing away at the apple jammed in the camera, Vikki's decrypting the feeds. She uncovers good quality but highly encrypted video and audio. It reveals footage of the crew finding the camera. Great. Vikki can't tell where on the Cortex the feeds went but she was able to verify that the camera equipment and feed is Alliance Naval tech, not some thrown-together civilian job.
Valentine: I am shocked, shocked to find there are military sources behind these highly advanced bioweapons.
Poco: Who knew?
Rachel: Can we try and have her open it up just one time and see if anything happens? We shoved an apple core in it and Mortimer ate on it.
Valentine: Do I even want to know why you did that?
Vikki: You want me to do what?
Rachel: Open the door and see if I see a signal. Mortimer's been chewin' on it.
Sighing, Vikki opens the container door while Rachel looks for the camera's signal on the bridge. Door open. No signal.
Rachel: I think Mortimer ate your camera.
Vikki: All right. Okayyyy. Well. Remind me to get him a nice piece of cheese.
Meanwhile, Tian approaches Valentine.
Tian: Val, can I talk to you for a minute?
Valentine: Always.
They find an empty corridor and talk.
Valentine: What can I do for you?
Tian: do you want me to take a vial from the weapons?
Valentine: I'm sorry. What?
Tian: If I have the opportunity to use the hospital's resources when we inspect Nuri, do you want me to take a vial from the weapons to test?
Valentine: I don't like it, but … (hating it) …Yes. I am less than enthusiastic than I would be in other situations but if there's any group of people that are the most unlikely to spread the information widely that we have them, it would be the people here. If you think you can do it reasonably quietly—
Tian: And I can't promise anything but if they allow me to check Nuri out, I may have access to the necessary equipment.
Valentine: If you can do it without being caught.
Tian: What about the camera?
Meaning the one on our container.
Valentine: I heard something about an apple core and Mortimer. I'm not sure exactly what was going on with the camera. I was going to talk to Rachel and Vikki about that. I have a horrible effing suspicion that someone's been messing with the camera despite my saying not to eff with the camera.
Although at this point the people behind the camera already know that we're aware of them and they've already caught us staring right at the camera. That doesn't matter because the camera may have been broken already.
Tian: All right. Let me know what you'd like me to do.
Valentine finds Rachel and Vikki to get to the bottom of the camera issue. There is no testing the green slime if the camera's going to pose a problem. Rachel admits to messing with it.
Valentine: What's the deal with Mortimer and the apple core and the camera?
Rachel: Oh well, I had this core and um … it kinda got wedged in the camera and Mortimer ate it.
Valentine: And how did it get wedged in the camera? I just want to get that for the record.
Rachel: (shrugs) These things happen, hon.
Valentine: (heavily) These things happen. So … regularly on this ship, apple cores just kinda get themselves stuck in unusual places.
Poco: Yes, actually.
Tian: (cringing) I don't want to know what you've got plugging the holes on this ship, thanks so much.
Poco: Yeah. Got some load bearing apricot pits here and there.
Valentine: Is the camera working or is it not working?
Rachel: It doesn't seem to be signaling out.
Valentine: Can I ask you why you did this?
Rachel: (firmly) I don't like bein' spied on.
Valentine: Next time, come to me first, please.
Rachel: Well, to be honest, boy, you would'a said no.
Valentine: It's possible. But come to me anyway.
Rachel: All right. I shoved in an apple core, Mortimer ate it, camera's dead.
Valentine: Fine.
He leaves the bridge and Rachel can be heard complaining to the general air.
Rachel: That boy is much more into everybody's business …
For his part, Valentine is starting to wonder if his decision to stay aboard as owner and captain was a bad one. He's not sure now that it isn't, not if his crew is going to make a habit of doing things behind his back like this. Nevertheless, he finds Tian to tell her the coast seems to be clear. With the camera disabled, she should be able to get a vial from the weapons cache without being seen.
In fact, he decides to tell everyone about the camera being disabled. Why not? For all he knows, he was the only one who wasn't in on it.
All anyone has to do now is wait for word from the Director about the hospital access. If granted, we know what we're doing on the morrow. If the request is denied, then we're leaving Sophie. We were granted two full nights to stay but really, without access to the facilities we need, there's little point in staying.
The rest of the day is spent finishing up interrupted maintenance and repair tasks. Tian takes care of Nuri. Valentine occupies himself by moving the furniture around on the top deck, envisioning how it will look once he gets the casino gear installed. By nightfall there is still no word from the Director and the night passes uneventfully.
Sunday, 01 Apr 2525
Erewhon Colony, Sophie
Tian decides to wait until lunchtime before calling on the Director again about access. In the meantime, she busies herself with Nuri's care.
The others find ways to stay occupied while they wait. The usual sorts of shore leave activities are not available here, so it takes some creativity. Valentine decides to try finding Two Juice Guy when he goes back to the cafeteria for a meal. Vikki, Tian, and Rachel accompany him for the company and the food. (The food may be bland but it's still fresh food.)
Vikki notices a feature in the cafeteria that the crew missed in their previous visits: the recycling center. The center takes the usual suspects, accepting scraps and uneaten food into a dedicated receptacle. It's more complicated than a mere open bin. It appears to process organics somehow. To be sure, everyone appears to be avid members of the clean plate club and very little is thrown into the recycler or thrown away, but even so, the colony apparently recycles everything it can. Vikki's curiosity is piqued. She puts some of her food in the recycler to watch how it works. No one stops her when she opens the recycler panels and peeks inside. She sees it has pipes going to levels below the cafeteria. Pulling out her smart stick, she tries pulling up the plans to the colony. Nope. Hmm… She looks at the innards of the machine and figures out an alternate search query on the stick and tries again.
Meanwhile, Valentine keeps an eye on Two Juice Guy, who is in the cafeteria eating his morning meal. Valentine spies him palming food as he eats, as if saving a snack for later. No one else from the colony is pilfering food or even acting secretive—everything's no nonsense and out in the open and everyone's just eating and getting out of there. The anomalous behavior tugs at Valentine's curiosity. Why is this guy different? Where is the extra food going? Valentine follows him when he leaves, hoping to find out what's going on with the guy.
Rachel and Tian watch Valentine and Vikki doing their respective nosing around. The two women trade a look, Tian picks up her empty plates, and returns to the ship. Not going to watch this train wreck in the making, nope. Besides, she's got a call to make to the Director about getting that hospital access. Rachel lingers a little longer, watching the young inventor puzzling the recycler out. Shaking her head over babies and their shiny toys, Rachel returns to Delilah and updates Poco on the morning's events.
Rachel: Poco, I think I lost Tink in the middle of the garbage disposal and Val has wandered off with the man with the two juices. I … what the hell?
Poco: Captain wandered off. Check. Tink wandered off. Check.
Rachel: Now why …? I don't wanna know. I'll be in the cockpit if you need me.
Valentine follows Two Juice Guy through the colony. Two Juice Guy picks up his pace after he clears the cafeteria and Valentine sees him go through an unmarked door. Valentine waves his smart stick at the door and the door opens. Inside is a room with a desk/counter running the length of it on one side and it looks like a workshop or a repair center for smart sticks. Apparently this is the place where they are made or repaired or both. It's not a very big room and there is no one in it. Two Juice Guy has disappeared. Valentine says conversationally into the air:
Valentine: I'm not looking to cause trouble. I was just curious and had a question and thought you might be able to answer it. I don't want to get anyone in any trouble.
No answer. Nobody's here. Valentine reasons if his wand was cleared to let him inside, then it wouldn't be wrong to look around. Behind the counter is an access panel into the innards of the building. That stokes the fires of Valentine's curiosity white hot. Erewhon Colony advertises itself as a perfectly equal society with everything shared in common. This, however, smacks of secrets where there should be none.
What is down behind that open access hatch?
Valentine pauses a moment. He knows what his crew would do if presented with this turn of events. They'd dive right in and investigate. He knows what he'd tell them. He'd tell them not to do it. And they wouldn't listen anyway. So what is he going to do?
The colonists have no weapons. They aren't violent. How dangerous would it be to go investigate? He pulls his comm to alert someone on the crew as to his plans … but stops to think of who to call. Rachel is miffed at him over the camera incident and he doesn't want to deal with her snark. Tian's busy taking care of Nuri. Poco's taking care of Delilah. Valentine comms Vikki.
Valentine: Are you on the ship?
Vikki: No-ooo…
Valentine: You're not getting into any trouble are you?
Vikki: Define trouble.
Vikki very carefully replaces the panels of the recycling unit, stacks her plates with the others, and steps away from the machine. She calmly but quickly exits from the cafeteria as she talks. Not getting into trouble, nope.
Valentine: If you haven't gone back to the ship—
Vikki: I don't have to.
Valentine: I'll be back later. I'm just going to investigate something.
Vikki: Like what?
Valentine: Uh, a secret access panel that—
Vikki: Need some help? I have my tools. I have my bag. I have everything we need.
Valentine blinks at his comm and weighs the possible outcomes. He knows he shouldn't do this but …
Valentine: Sure, you can come along—.
Vikki: I'm on my way! Where are you?
As this is going down, Tian calls the Director. She could have walked over to the Director's office but wasn't certain what the proper etiquette in the colony was for that sort of thing. So the call seems the safer approach.
Director: This is Director Indra.
Tian: Director, this is Doctor Grace. I am simply checking on the status of the decision.
Director: I have elected to not pursue treatment, thank you. Your services are not needed at this time. However, your confidentiality is required.
Tian: Absolutely. Very well. Does that also mean that looking at Nuri will also not be possible?
Director: I'm afraid I can't see how that can be possible. No, that will not be possible.
Tian: Thank you.
Tian hangs up. What else can she do? Tian thinks for a minute and then takes up a dose of the plague vaccine and leaves the ship.
Vikki joins Valentine and together they work into the bowels of Erewhon. The colony is a floating installation, with ballast tanks and pipes and ducts. It's very industrial and dirty. Condensation dampens the surfaces of things here and there, drips and puddles underneath them. It's a whole other world down below, scarcely believable in contrast to the bright clean spaces above. Valentine wonders aloud where Two Juice Guy is. He's gotta be here somewhere.
They hear something past the din of the industrial machinery. It sounds like … talking, maybe? Valentine and Vikki stop for a moment and listen. After a moment, they realize they're hearing a recording, like a tri-vid. Following the sound, they come across a hiding place up high in the massive network of pipes. They peek cautiously through the gaps in the pipes. Two Juice Guy is sitting in the middle of nest of objects he's pilfered from the colony. He's watching an old western on a player in his lap: The Treasure of Sierra Madre.
Valentine: (whispers) That's fantastic.
Vikki scans the stolen items and can't find a rhyme or reason to them. It's a pack-ratty in the It's-shiny-I-think-I'll-take-it sort of way, rather than a doomsday-prepper sort of way. So … now what? Should they go back to the ship? Should they knock on Two Juice's door? Does he even have a door?
Valentine decides to approach. He makes deliberate noise to alert Two Juice of his arrival and keeps his voice friendly.
Valentine: No need to panic. Hello.
When he's five feet from the entrance to the nest, Valentine hears a little click! and he freezes. He looks through the doorway of the nest and gives a little wave.
Valentine: Hi.
Two Juice Guy: Oh. It's you.
Valentine: It is me.
They look each other over.
Two Juice Guy: It makes sense you'd find me here. Curiosity is usually not rewarded here.
Valentine: I can imagine. And I have no need to—
Two Juice Guy steps back in silent invitation to come in. Valentine does. He sees an assortment of things that are clearly locally manufactured. There is more stuff that must have come from outside the colony, perhaps traded for with other delivery crews. Nothing really nice, but just things from different places.
Two Juice Guy: So.
Valentine: So. I dind't want to disturb you and once again, I was curious and to be honest, I find this to be kind of wonderful. The way certain things just … exist ... regardless of how we try to get rid of them.
Two Juice Guy: I don't want you to take this as a threat, but…
Valentine: Feel free.
Two Juice Guy: … It would be fairly easy for me to have you thrown out.
Valentine: Understood.
Two Juice Guy: Or have your vessel impounded.
Valentine: What are you afraid we're going to do?
Two Juice Guy: I don't know. But it's important that you don't try to interfere with what's going on here with me.
Valentine: I have no desire to do that. I do not plan to interfere with you or what you're doing here.
Two Juice Guy: Did somebody tell you that you could come to me?
Two Juice Guy looks very suspicious at this point. Vikki peeks around the door way and vouches for Valentine.
Vikki: No. We were just being nosy.
Valentine: The door wasn't locked. Nobody told me.
Two Juice Guy: Hhnnn. Sometimes I forget things.
Valentine: I assumed that when the door opened when I waved, it was acceptable for me to go in.
Two Juice Guy: (to Vikki) You have a mechanical bag. Are you a mechanic?
Vikki: Yes. (smiles, steps inside) Whatcha got?
Two Juice Guy: Nothing. I willing to … no. Nothing.
Two Juice Guy seems unsure what to do now. The visitors aren't calling him out and sounding any alarms.
Valentine: We've invaded your privacy. Is there anything we can do for you?
Two Juice Guy: You can. Well … uh. Can you get me Cortex here? The Director has it in her office but … (shrugs) … I haven't been able to figure a way to get it down here.
Vikki: Oh. Wow. (to Valentine) Can I try it? … (looks around) … All this metal?
Two Juice Guy: You can't disrupt the machinery. They can't know that it's happening.
Vikki: Ohh, yeah. That's an added level of complexity there. So … I wonder. How does she get Cortex? Is it a—
And she rattles off several possibilities, though the terms that stand out clearest in the torrent of words are "tools" and "hardware". She has the bug sweeper in her bag and she uses it to sweep the area for signs of signal transmissions and quite possibly the transmitters as well. If she can find and either patch into or clone a transmitter …
She doesn't get any indication of Cortex signals down in the pipe works. Vikki figures that she would have to patch into the actual antennae that capture the Cortex signals (or someone's box) and wire it down to Two Juice Guy's hideaway. The colony has internal communications systems but routing it in such a way that it won't be noticeable to anyone would be a challenge. So she thinks and mutters to herself as she crawls around with her sweeper.
Vikki: Maybe if I rigged up a robbed-bit network or something … I'll need a buffer … maybe a transmitter on an antenna and bouncing through … (returning to hidey) … So, where are you getting this movie from?
Two Juice Guy: Oh it was from one of the transports. A trade.
Vikki: What did you trade for it?
Two Juice Guy: I gave them fuel chips.
Vikki: Oh!
Two Juice Guy: That kind of stuff is easy enough to reprogram. Nobody's really monitoring it very carefully.
Vikki: Okay. Yeah. That's darned handy … (frowns into her bag) … I don't have everything I need in my bag. I'm going to have to go b—
Valentine: Before you jump—Can you do it and what would it involve?
Vikki: I think I can do it. And it would involve more than what I've got on me now. Well, I could … (picks up a gadget lying nearby, inspects it) … no, no. I need … (sees another, but no) … That won't work … (to Two Juice Guy) … Could you help me get into places where I need to go to—(thinks, discards idea)—you know, I don't look a thing like you.
Two Juice Guy: I could show you where to go, but it's best that I'm not connected to it, though. People are already suspicious of me.
Valentine: Yeah. It's that two-juice thing.
Vikki: So, what's with the … the … extra … processor … thingy in the cafeteria where you dump your food and not in the trash can?
Two Juice Guy: You mean our organic recycler?
Vikki: Is that what they call it?
Two Juice Guy: We recycle all of our organic materials.
Vikki: (brightens!) Where's it go?
Two Juice Guy: Well, first it's sent into the—
And it's his turn to go off on a technical tangent. For what it's worth, he doesn't know exactly how it works but it's better than the lack of knowledge that Vikki's got. She nods and looks interested—because she genuinely is—and she figures out that the recycling system is much like the one aboard Delilah. It's just on a different scale. At the colony, the recycler provides materials for fertilizer for their food and soil and Vikki launches into a comparison of the two and—
Valentine puts his hand on Vikki's shoulder to rein her in. Vikki smiles at Two Juice Guy and holds up a finger.
Vikki: Hold that thought! (to Valentine) Yeah?
Valentine: Reining you in for a minute. (to Two Juice Guy) This has been nice. This has been interesting to find out. I promise you we won't tell anybody about it or lead anybody here. (to Vikki) However, as far as I know we're still on target to have Nuri seen by the doctors. Other than that, if trying to fix the Cortex involves going somewhere where we're probably not wanted, that's—
Vikki: (groks) Going to skunk her chances, yeah.
Two Juice Guy: Those service areas are pretty much off limits.
Valentine: We're going to have to pass unless there's some other way to do it. Fuel chips are nice but we're not desperate for them. What we need is access to doctors. I don't think our friend here can help us with that.
Vikki: Have you asked him? (to Two Juice Guy) Sorry. I don't mean to talk about you in third person when you're right there.
Two Juice Guy: (shrugs) I'm not a doctor.
Vikki: Well, I mean … (gestures at hidey) … Did you get all this stuff by yourself?
Two Juice Guy: Um-hmm.
Vikki: And you didn't have anybody to help you? Well, I mean, everybody knows somebody …
Two Juice Guy: Well, I traded for some of it.
Vikki: With the people at the colony? Or … ?
She can see from Two Juice Guy's expression that he's not sitting on top of a black market/underground network of people bypassing the rules. So much for that idea. Valentine starts patting his pockets, looking through them for something to give Two Juice Guy as a memento to add to his collection of things. He finds his deck of cards from the Golden Dragon Casino on Paquin, the one he uses to practice shuffling tricks to keep his hands limber and his fingers nimble.
Valentine: Do you play cards?
Two Juice Guy: Oh … (takes them) … Yeah. I've seen these.
Valentine: They're high quality so they'll be good for play.
Two Juice Guy: Perhaps I can learn how to play.
Valentine: If I had a little more time, I'd teach you how to play but we should probably get back. I'm already feeling guilty about this. I should just step away …
Two Juice Guy: (judiciously) Perhaps you should.
Valentine: I'm Val, by the way.
Valentine holds his hand out for a shake and Two Juice Guy takes it. A pleasant surprise. They shake.
Two Juice Guy: Sturm.
Valentine: It's a pleasure.
Vikki: Well, hi. I'm Vikki. Sturm. You mean … as in Sturm und Drang?
Sturm-489: Sturm? No, it's Sturm-489.
Vikki: Oh. (smiles) Okay.
Valentine: Sturm-489. (nods at hidey) This is nice.
Sturm-489: (groks) Oh, yeah. You—. We don't have surnames like you have.
Vikki: Nobody calls me by my surname and they always get it wrong anyway, so, you know? (shrugs) Vikki works for me.
Sturm-489: What is your surname?
Vikki: My surname? (smiles) It's Tikhonova.
She pronounces it: Tee-KAHN-no-vah.
Vikki: But everybody says Tee-kah-NO-vah. (eyeroll!) I don't know why.
Sturm-489: Miss Teek—
Vikki: (friendly) See?
Sturm-489: Teekan…Nova. (hears it) That's interesting.
Vikki: (I know, right?) Yeah! It's Russian. So I get that a lot. But Sturm, what's 489 mean?
Sturm-489: Oh, that's my batch.
Vikki: Oh, okay. Oh, sorry. I'm—I'm insanely curious and I'm sometimes rude, I'm sorry. So, yeah, thank you! Very much! And … (points to player) … That's a really good movie. Um … Yeah. I should leave before I spoil it … Okay.
And she marches herself out of there. Valentine breathes a laugh and Sturm shakes his head. The men say a wordless goodbye and Valentine catches up with Vikki. They retrace their steps and make sure the access panel is replaced in such a way as to not reveal Sturm-489's secrets. Once they're outside on the sidewalk, they trade a look and breathe a sigh of … relief and wonder.
Wow. Sturm-489. Who'd have thought a place like this could have a surprise like him?
Meanwhile, Tian goes to the Director's office with a syringe of the plague vaccine in her pocket. She knocks on the door.
Door comms: Is there someone outside my door?
Tian: (leaning in) Yes.
Door comms: You won't break it down that way.
The door opens and the Director is standing inside.
Director: Are you trying to get my attention?
Tian: Yes, I was.
Director: Why didn't you just wave your wand in front of it?
Tian: Oh. I thought that would be rude. I apologize.
The Director blinks and recovers.
Director: Every time I interact with people outside the colony, it is always strange. Is there something else?
Tian looks past the Director and sees the room is empty. Tian slips inside and closes the door, then pulls the syringe from her pocket and holds it so the Director can see it.
Tian: I brought this for you in case you change your mind about the idea of the plague continuing its assault on your body.
Director: (takes syringe) How does … ?
Tian: It's a simple syringe. You inject it into your arm.
Director: All right.
Tian: If you exhibit any symptoms that are more unusual than the ones you are already experiencing, you should have it checked.
Director: What particular symptoms should I look for that represent … degeneration?
Tian: Fever. Any kind of growth on your person, any unusual pains—
Director: When that happens, what is the usual prognosis if left untreated?
Tian: If it goes untreated whatever it is will kill you. At some point, this plague will kill you.
Director: How long will it take? Weeks? Months? Years?
Tian: It depends on the person. There's no way to know.
Director: Okay. (hands back the syringe)
Tian: Your culture is extremely blunt, so I'm just going to ask you a question. Why are you choosing not to?
The Director thinks a moment. She motions Tian to sit down at the desk. When the women are both seated, the Director speaks.
Director: The … You weren't able to convince me that the vaccine would not eliminate the symptoms.
Tian: Give me a clearer picture of what the symptoms are.
Director: I have occasional shortness of breath, unusual … feelings of … emotion. Sensitivity to parts of my body. And …
The Director slowly describes all the classic symptoms of arousal. Tian realizes that perhaps the Director's earlier statement about the abolition of sexual congress wasn't exaggeration at all.
Tian: Are you alone when these things happen?
Director: I don't see what you're asking.
Tian: I don't … Are people in your culture offended by anything?
Director: I imagine so.
Tian: Then I apologize in advance if I offend you.
Director: We don't apologize.
Tian: That I understand. But I will regret it if I offend you.
Director: If you'll regret it, then you probably should not do it.
Tian: I'm going to do it anyway. The symptoms you're describing … The shortness of breath, the various sensations … Without a scan of you, I can't tell you if they are normal reactions on your part. That being said, the vaccine will not stop that.
Tian isn't sure if the interaction of the vaccine with the Director's unique genetic manipulations and breeding would change anything pertaining to the woman's symptoms, either.
Tian: I can't say whether the symptoms you're experiencing are plague-related or not, not without a scan.
Director: It's unlikely to be normal. We've been modified not to have those.
Tian: Based on what you said, I agree with you. I am very concerned about what is going to happen to you. Do you wish to be left with these sensations and assorted symptoms until such a time as perhaps you pass away? If you understand that is the outcome here, and you are choosing that, that is your right.
Director: Well, as you say you don't know the effects of … (gestures at self)
Tian: You're right. I don't.
Director: My exposure to your contaminated food sources was limited so it seems likely that it will take me longer to manifest symptoms than the rest of you. It's possible that it may interact with my own genetic modifications differently.
Tian: That would be my concern with leaving you with the vaccination, which I was going to tell you, assuming you choose to keep it here with you in case you change your mind. I do not know that the vaccination may interact with your own genetics already.
Director: I'm going to borrow one of your phrases, if I may. Excuse me if I offend you with this, but I was reading through your code of ethics that your doctors are supposed to practice. Did you just hand me a drug not knowing the consequences of my taking this drug?
Touché, Madame Director.
Tian: In point of fact, it did not occur to me until you mentioned that the genetics aspect could play a part in how the disease is progressing in you and that the vaccination might actually not work for you. So, no, you're absolutely right. You probably should not take it. Which puts me in the other terrible position of telling you that without tests, I'm really not sure that I can help you either way. So you're right. I do hope that whatever symptoms that you are suffering continue to be relatively minor and I would suggest that if they are not, that you do consult your own doctors despite the embarrassment factor.
Director: Hm. Yes. We do not some of the protections that you have.
Tian: So far as I am aware, the plague is not transmissible.
Director: I was referring to the confidentiality.
Tian: No, the confidentiality I will absolutely keep it.
Director: Good. But my doctors wouldn't.
Tian: Oh. I see. Ah, well, if the situation is in fact the plague, so far as I am aware through the rest of the Verse, it is not transmissible to other people.
Director: That is what I understand as well. I'm not worried about passing it on to someone. A shortened lifespan is something I have to reconcile with but I have achieved Directorship already and … these new … experiences … offer an unexplored potential that I hadn't considered before.
Tian picks up the syringe from the desk and puts it back in her pocket.
Tian: I do hope I won't embarrass you when I say that given the description of the symptoms you've given me so far, it sounds as if it's progressing through your … neural system and … if you find yourself in the company of a particular person who creates those responses, perhaps you should … explore them before you expire.
Director: That is highly unlikely that it would happen here.
Tian: That is possibly true. I wish you all the best, though. If there is anything I can do for you in the future, please feel free to contact me.
Director: I may. Yes. If my lifespan is shortened dramatically, I may use some of the solutions suggested to me. I understand that the longer this progresses the less likely the vaccination can help me.
Tian: That is true under the conditions which it has been tested. Given genetics is not my strong point, given the possibility it interacts differently with you, I wouldn't begin to know. The best I could offer you would be to take the vaccine to a lab and allow your people to test it. That I will not do unless you request it personally.
The Director cuts a wistful look and then says:
Director: I have work to do.
Recognizing a dismissal when she sees it, Tian returns to Delilah. She cannot forget what she has heard and seen, however, and truly hopes the Director can find some solution to her personal dilemma. She goes directly to Valentine. He takes one look at her expression and reads the news.
Valentine: No go?
Tian: We can lift off when you're ready.
Valentine: Not before we get paid. In fact, I'll go to the Director's office for that now.
And he does. He goes right over to her door and remembering what Sturm-486 told him about the locks, he simply waves his smart stick at the door.
The door opens up. He walks in. The Director looks up from her work.
Director: Yes?
Valentine: I'm told you turned down our request to help our passenger. I've come to collect our money.
Director: Very well.
She rummages through a desk drawer and pulls out the money in a pouch. She pauses before giving it to Valentine and then puts it in his hand… and her hand lingers in his. Valentine's no stranger to being hit on. He draws on diplomacy honed by years of service in a mob-run casino and asks the gentlemanly question.
Valentine: Are you all right?
Director: Well, no. Apparently according to your doctor, I have a condition.
Valentine: She wasn't able to help you with that?
Director: She advised a treatment but unfortunately the … required things are not available here.
Valentine: Well, sometimes outside sources can provide temporary treatments.
If he is reading the Director's cues correctly, she's clearly inviting him to sexual congress. Valentine also remembers that the colony has done away with it. He has to balance several things. He doesn't have any ideas how clones work but he's fairly certain that sex doesn't exist because they wouldn't need it. Then there's the Director's possible inexperience with the activity and he doesn't want to make it unpleasant. The repercussions if he botches it might be dire on far too many levels; and his conscience and his sense of responsibility would not accept anything less than a favorable outcome. So what can he do? He reviews what he knows of the Director and decides that she's been consistently straightforward and practical.
Very well. So will he.
Valentine: Much like our doctor and her promise of confidentiality, if this is what you wanted …
Valentine lifts her hand and caresses her fingers in his.
Valentine: … then perhaps we can work out an agreement.
The Director looks him in the eye.
Director: You would help me with my problem?
Valentine: And you would help us with ours.
Director: There are risks, but …We would need discretion.
Valentine: Of course.
Director: This is highly frowned upon.
Valentine: I am aware. I expect you would have more knowledge about where we could avoid prying eyes. And from my end—
The Director presses a button on her desk. The lock on the door clacks home. The Director gets straight to business as is the way on Sophie and there was no more need for words.
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