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(Input from Ken and a male friend of Terri's helped me nail it. Thanks, guys!--Maer)

An excerpt from Peripatetica, by M. K. Sebastien, Engr. ret.

Monday, 17 Jun 2520
Mike’s Cabin
Fristonweald Range, Salisbury
Kalidasa (Xuan Wu) system
13:05 hrs, local time

        “You okay?”
        I heard Mike ask the question and I knew what he’d meant by it. Two nights ago Nika had warned me the situation wasn’t black and white and two days ago I’d promised Mike an explanation. And now, with two days of Christian and Lem in front of him, he still hadn’t said a word. I’d dithered long enough.
        “I owe you an explanation about Christian,” I began.
        “No you don’t,” he said evenly. “I can see the situation just fine.”
        “Oh, really?” I countered, stung.
        “Just answer me one thing.”
        “You still sleeping with him?”
        “Is it over?”
        “All right, then.”
        “That’s it?”
        “Yeah. What were you expecting?”
        “Oh, I don’t know,” I said, throwing my hands wide. “A fight?”
        “Come here, you.”
        Everything I’d planned to say to him no longer mattered, made irrelevant by male logic. Nika had the right of it. Not black and white at all, but far simpler than I expected.

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