Loji, the Great Bear, Servant of Vatun

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Loji CR 24

Large Dire Polar Bear Anarchic Paragon (Magical Beast, Extraplanar)

12d8+300 HD (396HP)

BAB +33

Fort +30 Ref +27 Will +24

Speed 120'Swim 90'

AC: 49 (-1 Size, +9 Dex, +7 Natural,+12 Insight, +12 Luck)

Attack: +51 Claw 2d4+38

Full attack: 2 +51 Claws 2d4+38 and Bite +51 2d8+29

Grapple: +55

Str 46 Dex 28 Con 34 Int 18 Wis 27 Cha 25

Skills: Listen 10/+30 Spot 10/+30 Swim 10/+46 Survival 15/+33 Knowledge Nature 15/+29 Knowledge Religion 12/+26

Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Run, Improved Toughness, Power Attack, Track


Improved Grab

+8 swim checks, always take 10

+12 Hide in snowy areas

Lowlight vision, Darkvision, scent

Greater dispel magic, Haste, and See invisibility three times per day, at 15th caster level.

Resistances: Fire 10 Cold 10 Acid 5 Electricity 5 Sonic 5

Damage reduction 10/epic.

Spell resistance 32.

Fast healing 20.

A paragon creature’s natural weapons are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Immune to polymorph and petrification

Smite Law: 1/day +20 damage to a lawful foe