- Main Page; Griffin Island
Lucwo was raised in one of the clans adjacent to Ockless and was trained to be a healer there, an important, somewhat ritualized (but not magical) role. Unfortunately, his lack of solid social skills combined with his dislike of the current ruling family resulted in him being ran out of town and banished. 'Til now, he's been hunting and caring for himself, and has the multitude of scars to prove that it's been a rocky path to self-sufficiency. His skills at healing haven't atrophied though, and his skills at both finding things and avoiding being found have increased greatly. He's still not the greatest fighter. He still has an interest in the magical and medicinal plants of the island and devotes time to trying to find them.
Lucwo's a fairly typical-looking Zaring, currently wearing heavy cloth clothing/armor with a wolf cloak covering his head and often tied tight around his midsection to keep warm and prevent unfortunate gorings. He carries several javelins and a solid bone knife, as well as various minimal bits of survival gear and a healers pouch.
Character Details[edit]
- Name: Lucwo
- Race: Human
- Social Condition: '
- Sex: Male
Str: 12, Con: 12, Siz: 12, Int: 14, Pow: 12, Dex: 17:, Cha: 11.
- Hit Points: 12
- Total Fatigue Points: 24
- Total Magic Points: 10
- Damage Bonus: 1d4
- Experience Bonus: +7%
- Current Fatigue: 24 - 6.35 = 17
- Current Magic Points: 10 - 0 = 10
Skill Groups[edit]
- Communication: +2
- Bargain (5%):-
- Command (5%):-
- Etiquette (5%):-
- Fast Talk (5%):-
- Perform (5%):-
- Persuade (15%):-
- Status (15%):-
- Teach (10%):-
- Language [own] (INTx5%): 67
- Language [Trade] (INTx3%): 44
- Manipulation: +10
- Art [Sketch] (5%):-
- Craft [Survival Gear] (5%):17
- Fine Manipulation (5%):-
- Repair [] (15%):- 24
- Sleight of Hand (5%):-
- Mental: +4
- Appraise (15%):-
- First Aid (30%): 84
- Gaming (INT+POW): 28
- Herbalism (01%): 109
- Treat Disease (00): 30
- Perception: +5
- Insight (5%):8
- Listen (25%): 68
- Navigate (10%): 65
- Sense (10%):-
- Spot (25%): 68
- Track (10%): 91
- Physical: +7
- Climb (40%): 43
- Dodge (DEXx02%): 32
- Hide (10%): 74
- Jump (25%):-
- Ride (5%):-
- Stealth (10%): 77
- Swim (25%): 28
- Throw (25%):-
Hit Points and Armour[edit]
Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | H.P. | Enc. | Melee | Missile |
Head | Wolf Cloak | 2 | 4 | 0.40 | 19-20 | 20 |
Left Arm | Heavy Cloth | 1 | 3 | 0.25 | 16-18 | 18-19 |
Right Arm | Heavy Cloth | 1 | 3 | 0.25 | 13-15 | 16-17 |
Chest | Heavy Cloth + Wolf Cloak | 3 | 5 | 0.50 + 0.80 | 12 | 11-15 |
Abdomen | Heavy Cloth + Wolf Cloak | 3 | 4 | 0.25 + 0.40 | 09-11 | 07-10 |
Left Leg | Heavy Cloth | 1 | 4 | 0.50 | 05-08 | 04-06 |
Right Leg | Heavy Cloth | 1 | 4 | 0.50 | 01-04 | 01-03 |
- Total Hit Points: 12 HP
- Total Armor ENC: 3.85
Weapons and Shields[edit]
- Attack Bonus: +10%
- Parry Bonus: +7%
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
Javelin + atlatl | 1d8+1d4 | 2 | 15 | 97% | - | 2.0 | |
Dagger | 2d4 | 3 | 15 | 80% | 59% | 0.5 | |
Brawl | 1d3+1d4 | 3 | arm | 59% | 51% | 0 | 0 |
Grapple | Special | 3 | special | 59% | 51% | 0 | 0 |
- Total Weapon ENC: 2.5
War Dog[edit]
- Name: Kurete
- Breed: War Dog
Str: 15, Con: 15, Siz: 9, Int: 5, Pow: 11, Dex: 14.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d4
- Move Rate: 10
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | None | 4 | 2 | None | 17-20 |
Left Foreleg | None | 3 | 2 | None | 14-16 |
Right foreleg | None | 3 | 2 | None | 11-13 |
Forequarters | None | 5 | 2 | None | 08-10 |
Hindquarters | None | 5 | 2 | None | 05-07 |
Left Hindleg | None | 3 | 2 | None | 03-04 |
Right Hindleg | None | 3 | 2 | None | 01-02 |
- Total Hit Points: 12HP
- Attack Bonus: +8%
Attack | Damage | S.R. | Attack % |
Bite | 1d8+1d2 | 3 | 58% |
- Other Skills: Dodge 50%, Listen 75%, Sense 90%, Spot 75%, Track 80%.
Hunting Dogs[edit]
- Name: Mera, Anun, Asena and Shuck
- Breed: Hunting Dog
- Weapons:
- Listed above, the dagger (Bloodletter) has a Bladesharp 4 matrix.
- Armour:
- Listed above.
- Other: Water skin, medicine bag, pouch of healing seeds and herbs.
- 10 gold, 2 silver
- Main Page; Griffin Island