Lun Kuai's Letter

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Lun Kuai's letter is written on a tightly-bound scroll made of a material that appears to be rice paper but is completely immune to the ravages of time and the elements. It is divided into nine main sections and a short epigraph, each appearing to be complete gibberish to even the most highly-trained linguist. To date, Leaf Shakes the Wind has been able to decipher the epigraph and the first section.

Section 1: The Well of Roots[edit]

Know that I am Lun Kuai, Master of the Wardens of the Green Sun, Dagger of Heaven. You are my new incarnation in this world. Follow my teachings, meditate on my words, and heed my warnings. As you succeed, so shall I. Everything that appears in this scroll will not be laid bare to you at first reading. There are teachings that you are not yet strong enough to handle, but in time, all that was mine will be yours.

Since I have not retaken this letter and destroyed it with my own hands, then we have lost the war and I am reborn. As you read my words, you have met Ielaaps, survived him, and reached to the second stage of enlightenment. Though you may feel that this power is infinite and that you can do all things with it, I tell you now that it is merely a pittance of what you must become in order to avenge what has taken place. Though the Sun sets, it must always rise again.

When you are ready to begin moving to your true power, and you must be ready as quickly as possible, you are to journey into the East, regardless of where you are now. When the mountain that contains the world's defenses lies directly west of you, enter the forest and begin moving towards the Elemental Pole of Wood. Extend your Essence and follow the ground wherever it slopes downward, and search for the smell of cascading water. These will lead you to the Well of Roots. It is here that you may best strengthen your inner fire in safety and seclusion. This place has known my Essence for a thousand years, and that memory will never fade.

When you have unlocked your next stage, I will speak to you again.

The Epigraph: Ielaaps[edit]

The being that stands before you is not a friend, though he brings gifts and may speak with honeyed words. Given a single chance, he will spend every cycle of the Wheel from now until its destruction bringing you pain and suffering. Give him nothing; promise him nothing. Speak no words to him but these: "You have served well. Return to Malfeas and your duty is ended." When he has gone, remove yourself from wherever he met you as quickly as possible and take every pain you have to conceal your passage. Should he be freed again, you stand no chance against him.

-- Lun Kuai, Iron Wolf of the Unconquered Sun

Heaven's Mandate