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- Fulgor [Aasimar, He/him, Lawful Good] - Fulgor is the Chief Marshal of the Ordinator’s Host, a gathering of angelic beings who pursue justice across the Voidsea. Piloting their alabaster ships or using blessed wings of holy fire, the Ordinator’s Host seeks out those who break the laws of the universe and set things right - by any means necessary. Fulgor might privately think himself open-minded and kind, but when Voidsea is threatened by rogue hellbeasts, voracious demigods, and lawless star raiders, it takes a stern demeanor and a strong sword arm to keep the people of the Realmstars safe and secure.
- Miru [Leonin, she/her, Neutral Good] - Miru is the preserver of the Glade Eternal, one of the great fonts of natural life in the universe. The Voidsea is a fiery storm that cruelly engulfs anything not protected by the Starglass or one of the magical protective shields used by the Gallear that ply the space between worlds. However, the Glade Eternal is a rare exception. The mythic trees which grow there have roots longer than eons and branches that stretch into miniature constellations. Their magnificent lifeblooms manage to stave off the Voidsea, and in the shadow of the great branches and billowing petals of this wondrous place many creatures find refuge. Miru guides the creatures and peoples who call the Glade Eternal their home. It is a dangerous universe, but with her druidic circles and mysterious Glade Wardens, she will see to it that this place provides succor for the weak and that the seeds of hope are always planted anew.
- Ghural [Dragonborn, He/him, Neutral Good] - Ghural is the leader of the largest Delver’s Guild in the Voidsea. Stationed at Steelfast, a floating fortress ship that can anchor itself in the fiery cosmos for extended periods, Ghural leads the Delvers on missions and helps organize Guild flotillas. The Delver’s Guild provides valuable services to the Voidsea. Whenever a Realmstar is destroyed (due to accident, attack, or simple old age), the Delver’s arrive to help clean up the after effects. They salvage valuable materials, rescue priceless artefacts before they are lost to time, and help clear out any horrors that might try and nest in the carcass. The latter mission is particularly fraught with danger, as the escaping essence of entire realities attracts fearsome creatures like blood draws sharks. Worse still, if they feast on the carcass of these dying worlds, they might mutate into ever more terrible creatures. Ghural is always looking for fresh recruits who are eager to make a difference. He and his Delvers also help supply the many museums, libraries, and archeological research universities across the cosmos with the wondrous relics they find in the last gasps of dying realities.
- Destiria [Satyr, She/her, Chaotic Good] - Destiria is the leader of the Glassfall Privateers, one of the rowdiest bunch of dogooders for hire in the universe. Some say she is the leader of the Privateers by dint of her skillful use of the ancient Harpoon Launcher Dueling Style. Still others claim it is because she wears the Tricorn Hat of Effervescent Leadership, its charmed magic making all ears bend to her word. Most believe it is because she can drink everyone else under the table and the Privateers are a hard-drinking lot. Whatever the case, Destiria ensures that Glassfall remains as free as any place can be in the harsh Voidsea. The Privateers are a merry band who serve her ethos if not her directives, doing good (or at least not bad) across the stars if the pay is right and/or the drinks are free. Whatever falls on the coral reef-like structure of Glassfall - pieces of shattered Starglass, refugees from dying suns, or wayward upstarts with strong sword arms - she puts them to good use and has a good time while she’s at it.
- Starseer Council[Administrative Organization, Lawful Neutral] - A collection of powerful gods, wisened elementals, and ascended mortals, the Starseer Council is the chief administrative body in the Lyraean Voidsea. The Council holds court within a Realmstar consisting of a single vast continent ringed with innumerable platforms surrounding a central dais. From here the Council decides the fate of freshly forged Realmstars, doling out fresh realities to those they deem worthy. The process is consistent enough to allow for peaceful negotiations to take their appropriate time, while infrequent enough to create tense debates with each reality’s fresh birth. The Council claims it is impartial, but rumors have abounded for centuries that there are backdoor deals, bribes, and unwritten agreements tipping the scales at every turn. If any would challenge their decisions, the silent Watchers and massive Gallear fleets surrounding their Realmstar have staved off any potential aggression… thus far.
- Operran[Hobgoblin, He/him, Lawful Neutral] - Operran is the High General of the Rampart Legions. At the very edges of the Voidsea in all directions are the Emberwalls: vast band-like structures of fortifications that ring reality itself. The seemingly infinite Emberwall lines create a spherical shell around the Voidsea, but paradoxically they are not a definite place one can visit. Instead, they exist in a parallel sub-space between the infinite reality of the Voidsea and the unknown chaotic ether Beyond. A single mystic gate is the only way to access the Emberwall, and it has been locked since time immemorial. None know how to open it, who built it, or why it was build. Nevertheless, tradition holds that the Rampart Legions must watch the Emberwall for danger, and thousands serve in this capacity beneath Operran’s command. Strangely, beings from the Beyond still find their way into the Voidsea, sometimes by phasing through the gate entirely, and at other times through momentary breaches in the Emberwall elsewhere. No one knows why such things occur, but Operran and his Rampart Legions seek them out and destroy them. They are effective at hunting these nightmares, but strangely the occurrences seem to be increasing as of late - a dire portent no doubt.
- Starforge Guild [Engineering Organization, True Neutral] - Few groups can be said to hold such vast power for so simple a desire. The Starforge Guild might seem singular in nature but it is in truth a complex web of smaller organizations which band together beneath the singular banner of profit. They are etherpunk engineers, peerless mad draftsmen, and workers who toil beneath the light of the Voidsea fire. The Starforge Guild’s manufacturing fleets ply the space between civilized Realmstars doing any job that will turn a profit - whether it’s constructing a secure Realmstar for refugees fleeing a ruthless godwar, or building a fleet of warships for a would-be pirate king. If you’ve got the gems, they’ll be glad to put hammer to nail and ratchet to work. Just don’t short them when it comes to payment, or question the quality of their work - those semi-autonomous mechanical drills on their shoulders aren’t just for show.
- Soean the Wondrous [Deity, He/him, True Neutral] - Soean the Wondrous was was a god of miracles and great works. However, his divine prerogative changed course when the world he knew vanished. His entire universe disappeared when the Realmstar his pantheon was attached to reached the natural conclusion of its lifecycle. Many of his fellow gods found new believers in other realities or made miniature heavens to life out their eternities in quiet extravagance. Soean decided to sow his wild oats, and found love, lust, and everything in between among the countless planes of existence in Lyraea. However, he now faces a problem - his essence is depleting, and soon he will be no more. He intends to bequeath his accumulated celestial wealth, treasures, and relics to his rightful heir. The catch is that he has had 9999 heirs, and it has been so long he can no longer remember who is the rightful one. Now his children battle amongst themselves to impress their divine father, waging wars and enacting schemes across realities, with many souls caught up in their vast struggle.
- Thraxun [Voidbeast, Unknown, Chaotic Neutral] - Many horrifying creatures live among the Voidsea. Given that the eternal burning flame that populates that empty space can destroy most mortal beings within seconds, it goes without saying that anything that can survive out there on its own is a force to be reckoned with. Many are nameless creatures that have escaped dying Realmstars, broken free from ancient prisons, or slipped through the Emberwall without being stopped. All are deadly, but few have names - they exist as nightmarish terrors without title. Thraxun, however, is known. A mighty Voidbeast whose long eel-like body is known to dwarf constellations in its wake, Thraxun is so large that its body cannot fully exist in reality at any one time. Portions of its scaly hide blip in and out of realspace, leaving pockets of polluted Voidsea in its wake. Often its approach is heralded by disembodied tentacles appearing over the skies of hapless Realmstars, their prying suckers seeking to crack the protective shells around entire planar realities. Any who encounters Thraxun and lives to tell the tale is lucky indeed, yet none can witness it and not be changed for life.
- Beleil [Pirate Queen, She/her, Chaotic Neutral] - Beleil is the queen of the pirates, a title she self-proclaimed and has self-maintained for decades. She commands fear, respect, and resentment across a dozen dozen realities. Depending on which port you’re in, so much as speaking her name might open avenues with recalcitrant demigods or be the equivalent of a four-letter curse word. Often times it’s both. Her Saltsworn pirates and allied fleets keep numerous powers in check and thieve every gem that isn’t nailed town in the process. She says her Gallear the Gilded Bruiser is the largest vessel ever commissioned; every time she’s seen a ship that made a liar out of her, all it took was a few dozen Sunlance broadsides to pulverize the evidence. Beleil’s been the pirate queen for so long some say she’s close to retirement, but until she finds the legendary Hourglass Eternum there’s small chance of her hanging up her hook for good.
- Knineteen [Martial Organization, Lawful Evil] - The Knineteen are a group of hellknights of terrible aspect. These nineteen warriors wield blades forged beneath the fire of baleful stars and wear armor made of cursed scales from apocalyptic beasts. They ride shapeless steeds and lead innumerable armies with banners that drip with ichor from slain gods. They scour the Voidsea in their vast armadas, following a code of which only they know in totality: the ceaseless whispers of the Caged One. This primordial being is trapped in obsidian amber, a prison made in ancient days to seal away a fearsome evil. For now, its only means of interaction is whispering nightmarish orders to the Knineteen - for a gruesome purpose most right-minded beings dare not contemplate.
- Zwarm [Sahuagin, Unknown, Neutral Evil] - Zwarm is a fearsome leader of the vast horde known as the Ripperbrood. They rise from the spaces between the light of the Realmstars to dismantle sunken Gallear, feast on forgotten pantheons, and pick clean the bones of dead civilizations. In their wake the detritus of the Voidsea is broken down and drifts until it gathers into great reefs, falls into the swirling lifepools, and fills the dust of new nebulae. However, they are not such picky eaters, and Zwarm’s Ripperbrood have been known to assault perfectly healthy Realmstars or peaceful flotillas alike. Alive or dead, all fear their sharpened teeth and barbed tridents, and in the face of growing darkness the Ripperbrood’s ranks swell with fresh recruits eager to get one last bite before the end times.
- Arch Confessor Kaedruss [Human, He/him, Chaotic Evil] - Kaedruss is the chief religious leader of the Church of the Endfire. While the Voidsea of Lyraea teems with new life and opportunity, to Kaedruss and his innumerable believers this is an affront to their chosen god. They say the Endfire is a being - nay, a primal force - that has existed since long before the Realmstars, the gods, or the many peoples of the Voidsea. The Endfire purges all reality with its cleansing flames, seeding the universe for new growth and change. Yet if too much growth occurs before the next flame, the Endfire’s raging inferno will engulf existence itself and no new world can be reborn. Kaedruss has whipped his believers into a frenzy believing that this tipping point is approaching, and that they must kindle the Endfire before it is too late - a process that involves wanton carnage and unspeakable acts.