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Way of the Custodial Arts homebrew link.

Janitor is the embodied consciousness of the Mulish Mermaid.

The Mulish Mermaid is a gallear built long ago by the Starforge Guild as a proof of concept: its gemcore is inextricably linked to a specially constructed warforged, essentially giving the ship itself consciousness and free will. For reasons forgotten even by the Starforge Guild, though, the project was deemed a failure and the ship was first mothballed and then consigned to a scrapyard. Centuries later, a goblin mechanic named Gobi was given the presumably worthless ship as a mustering-out payment by the Guild. Gobi, whether through skill or luck, managed to bring the warforged online.

Initially devoid of any purpose save for an instinctual need to preserve the safety and integrity of the Mermaid, the automaton began training with a secretive order of Custodial Monks. They taught him how to not only keep the ship (and by extension himself) safe from the threats of mildew and mold, but from pirates and ruffians.

Gobi and Janitor had a number of adventures together and eventually fell in with the Glassfall Pirates. When Destiria told Gobi that the ship would need an adult captain, they hired the lovable (and malleable) Bravado to take the helm.