Lyraea:Ship Lawsuit

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Gobi receives a letter from Jaydus Brassheart; an old friend and member of the Starforge Guild. The party heads to the enormous shell of an under-construction realmstar. Jaydus takes them to what appears to be an exact replica of the Mulish Mermaid. Further investigation reveals that this ship has some notable differences, including an empty gemcore and some kind of Janitor-sized interface not present on the Mermaid itself.
Bravado uses his abilities to search for evil presences, and pings on something outside of the ship. On investigation, they find a group of Starforge Guilders led by Byron Exohar. He says that Jaydus was not supposed to have shown the party the ship, and uses it as an excuse for a Call of Conferrence.
Jaydus explains to the party that the Guild will most likely use a Deus Ex Pacto: hidden fine print present in all guild agreements that can be activated if the guild's reputation or bottom line is threatened. Gobi will have to defend her right to own the ship against two interested parties. The first, led by Byron, wants the Guild to revoke Gobi's ownership of the ship altogether. The second party, led by Alil Morune, is primarily interested in detaining the ship for the time being so that research can be done.
The session ends with the party preparing to go before Sulil Highcraft, the Guild judge appointed to the case.

The following session picks up with the trial proper. Starla provides a passionate defense defending Janitor's right to autonomy, pointing out the Guild's obligation to uphold its own contracts, and pointing out that Janitor (and by extension the Mulish Mermaid) is a legitimate employee of the Glassfall Privateers and therefore cannot simply be taken. Gobi, empaneled in a kind of jury, provides a dramatic plea to preserve the life of her best friend and then bursts into tears. Bravado and Janitor kind of hang out.

At the end of the trial, the Highcraft rules in favor of Gobi's claim to the Mulish Mermaid. Janitor smugly gets up in Byron's face and tries to taunt him, but Byron is so cool and collected that Janitor walks away, confused. Outside the courthouse, Janitor suddenly shuts down and slides down the steps, completely offline.

Preparations for the trial.[edit]

  • The party contracts the services of Starla San Mateo, a former acquaintance of Gobi who knows the intricacies of Guild law.
  • Tip and Tap shape Bravado's clown wig into barrister's curls.
  • Janitor fashions his fake Cormallo's Cove sashes into fancy suspenders even though he doesn't wear pants.