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Rivers Between Us led out Under Bridges and helped Lyssa into the saddle. He stepped back and folded his arms. "Are you sure you don't want to go in armor? I'm not using the wood dragon powered suit this week... I should go get it."

She smiled and shook her head sadly. Lyssa was not tall, but she had an evident weight of personality in every motion that she made. One of the more discreet amalgams, her skin was faintly tanned by the dust of the horse plains, her nose faintly flattened and eyes enlarged. Her most remarkable feature was not a result of the amalgamation at all; her tail flicked across the saddle for a moment before she tucked it back under her cloak. "Remember, I'm not supposed to be the liaison to the The Infinite City visiting Lookshy with need of defense. I'm just a concerned philanthropist. Right? It's bad enough that you're sending him with me."

She nodded to Xian Kai, approaching on his own horse from a low gate in the manse wall. The tiger warrior did not respond.

Rivers bowed his head. "I know, but I always worry whenever I send someone into danger."

"That's what makes you a good leader." She looked at the rising sun. "I really should be going. Is there anything else?"

"You have the list of Kena's family members, letters from her to them... let's see... jade and silver for travel and bribes. August Autumn Gale will be following you, if you need to send word. You did take a folding servant, didn't you?"

"Of course not. Come on, Kai, or he'll never let us go.

Rivers waved sadly as she rode away on his horse, whispering after her, "Worrying is all well and good for you, but what can I do while I wait?"

He returned to his manse disconsolately.

Heaven's Mandate