MTH:Mental Merits
AURA READER (*+)[edit]
EFFECT: The character automatically detects the Superhuman template in any person he sees within 5 yards per dot in Aura Reader, and can roll Wits + Aura Reader reflexively (but only on his turn and once per turn) to detect a person's Power Level at that range.
EFFECT: Once per scene the character can enter a trance-like state of frenzied aggression. While in this state they suffer no wound penalties and add half their Power Level, rounded up, to any All-Out Attacks they make (see World of Darkness pg175 for rules on All-Out Attacks). They likewise add their Power Level to their Stamina and Resolve (the Rage is a kind of focus), with the resulting addition of health levels and willpower dots (not points) while in the Berserker state.
The trance lasts for one round per two dots of Power Level, rounded up, and cannot be ended prematurely. While in this state the character must attempt to attack a living (or at least animate) target every round. Alternatively, the character can take actions directly related to attacking, such as drawing a weapon, charging toward an opponent, or pushing a vat of boiling oil toward the end of a ledge under which someone happens to be standing.
If no being the berserker wishes to harm is nearby, they must make a successful Composure roll in order to vent their aggression on an inanimate object instead. Failing this roll requires them to attack whoever or whatever happens to be nearest.
In order to enter the Rage, the character must fail a Composure roll (some berserkers use mind-altering substances in order to intentionally levy penalties to this roll). While the state can only be entered into once a scene, the character can try to provoke the fury once a turn.
MULTI-TASKING (* or **)[edit]
PREREQUISITES: Effective Intelligence 4+ or Wits 4+
EFFECT: The character can compartmentalize her mind so that she can hold more than one distinct train of thought in her mind simultaneously. For one dot, the character can take completely mental instant actions as reflexive actions and perform two extended-action knowledge tasks at once.
For two dots, if the character takes no physical rolled action in a turn, the character can take any number of mental actions reflexively. This merit does not allow the character to activate two Powers at the same time, since activating powers is not purely a mental action.
OMNIVISION (***)[edit]
PREREQUISITES: Effective Wits 5+
EFFECT: Whether by incredibly sharp senses, a sixth sense, or a literal 360 degree field of vision, the character is keenly aware of her surroundings at all times. She suffers no ill effects from being surrounded in combat, and it is impossible to sneak up on her under normal circumstances (though extraordinary circumstances, such as poor lighting or invisibility, may allow the character to be snuck upon as normal). The character must still roll to avoid surprise in the case of ambush or similar situations; this Merit allows the character to perceive normally in every direction at once, but does not grant any special form of perception or precognition.
POLYGLOT (** or ***)[edit]
PREREQUISITES: Effective Intelligence 3+, Language 1+
EFFECT: The character multiplies the effect of her Language merit. With the 2-dot version of this merit, one language the character knows is replaced with a language group to which that language belongs. The character can effectively converse in any of those languages. Reading the languages the character does not have the normal merit for requires a successful Intelligence + Academics roll.
With the 4-dot version, the character may speak any language created by the same species for normal communication. The descriptor 'for normal communication' excludes things like ciphers, computer languages like binary, and sign languages.
This merit may not seem terribly realistic, but it does seem to be well-represented in superhero stories.
1 Dot: (Effective Intelligence + Resolve+ Composure 3+, and Availability 2) or a mild dementia.
2 Dots: (Effective Intelligence + Resolve+ Composure 6+, and Availability 4) or a severe dementia.
EFFECT: The character has either received training to block out psychic intrusion on their memories, or their mind is in enough of a disarray to make intruding on it difficult. With 1 dot, those accessing the characters memories add 2 to the successes necessary to do so. With the 2 dot version this becomes a +4 to the target number.
If the character concentrates on opposing the intrusion (going prone) the effects are doubled.
Characters who were trained to do this may let their guard down to allow in those they wish. Characters who qualified for the merit (only) through dementia cannot.