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NG female personality warforged psion (egoist) 10

After a particularly close shave with a released rajah, the king in yellow, in the Mournlands Fracture started contemplating his own “mortality” so to speak. This lead him to start thinking about a successor. After his sudden disappearance for several months he returned with one, Machina.

Machina looks quite a bit different from most warforged, in particular her body has been altered to give her a distinctly more “feminine” appearance than most warforged. However she is a skilled egoist and a consummate shapechanger so her appearance is quite variable. Sometimes she even likes to take on a human appearance much to Fracture’s disapproval.

Personality: Machina is generally good natured and cheerful in a stark contrast to Fracture’s sour and pessimistic attitude. Though her actual age is impossible to ascertain she seems quite youthful. She can also be quite shy and generally dislikes crowds. However in private she tends to be quite personable. Another thing is that Machina has a rather mischievous sense of humor, something unusual in most warforged, and enjoys playing lighthearted pranks on people although she never employs malicious tricks.

It is also worth mentioning that while she may seem ditzy at times Machina actually has a genius level IQ. She often likes to lead people into underestimating her right up until the moment she springs her ingenious prank. Or in the case of her enemies, the moment she transforms into a dragon and rips their face off.

While she is Fracture’s apprentice there are a number of issues they don’t exactly see eye to eye on. For one unlike Fracture’s idea of a warforged empire, Machina rather hopes to build a utopian society where constructs and humanoids will live in harmony. Fracture scoffs at the concept personally but since his first goal in his plan is warforged equality there haven’t been too many conflicts between the two on this point. Machina also doesn’t exhibit the racism Fracture does although she does have a great deal of racial pride. Finally while Machina isn’t willing to go to the genocidal lengths Fracture is to ensure warforged equality she never hesitates to help warforged in need or free them from oppression.

Abilities:' When it comes to combat, Machina has a number of skills. Her primary strength is her ability to metamorphosis into powerful beasts and she uses her intellect to pick just the right creature for the situation. This ability is augmented by Machina’s skill at strengthening and reinforcing her own body with her powers. She’s tough as nails even by warforged standards and can take almost cartoonish amounts of punishment without going down although this does tire her out rather quickly.

Unfortunately Machina’s only real offensive abilities come from the forms she assumes and their abilities. She is completely useless with manufactured weapons and in her natural form she isn’t particularly strong. Her greatest weakness comes from her lack of any directly offensive psionic abilities (no firing crystals from her hands, no calling up flames to scorch her foes, no stabbing directly at her foes mind, etc) and the fact that she isn’t particularly good at defending against these sorts of assaults beyond simply toughing them out.

Machina also is a strong emphatic healer and while her ability to repair warforged isn’t as great as Fracture her powers work on both humanoids and constructs. These powers also allow her to quickly put herself back together after a fight, recovering from even the most grievous injuries in a day.

Roleplaying Notes: Machina tends to be rather quiet around strangers but once she gets know someone she reveals a more playful side. She tends not to take things too seriously and likes to deflate the egos of overly serious or angsty individuals. She also resorts to biting sarcasm when Fracture starts ranting overmuch. Despite their occassional bickering however, she has enormous respect for Fracture and will almost always defer to his judgement.


Deus is Machina’s psicrystal and in many ways she is her mistress’s polar opposite. Where Machina is quiet, kind, and cheerful, Deus is loud, violent, and cynical. Deus often chides Machina for being “soft” or “foolish.” She also encourages Machina to seize the power she believes rightfully belongs to them and rule over the inferior beings that surround her. Machina takes all this in stride and frequently ignores Deus having heard everything she has to say a hundred times before, something which Deus absolutely hates.

In combat Machina can share her metamorphosis effect with Deus, allowing the psicrystal to transform along with her and double team their enemies, a prospect Deus enjoys immensely.

Shadows over Cyre