Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur:Xiahe

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Wang "Ghost Flower" Xiahe[edit]

  • Katsue

Picture, street clothes

Picture, transformed, not quite the right hairstyle

Background: The daughter of a prominent Party Official from Shanghai, Xiahe's life changed forever when a demonic attack stole her hearing. Despite her handicap, she successfully pursued her studies, and officially works for the Chinese Foreign Ministry. She is nominally attached to the Chinese consulate in Songkhla, and does actually engage in legitimate consular work in Roanapur, a place not exactly short on people in desperate need of assistance. In reality, she is an intelligence agent, working not for the Ministry but for the Party, and is in Roanapur to investigate the Occult Underground.

Xiahe's place of work is a crappy one room office, with a kind of bell pulley arrangement instead of a door bell so that she can see when someone wants to get in. Office equipment includes an ancient Memorex 8086 PC, a phone/fax, and of course a shredder. She puts completed crossword puzzles and the like in the shredder, in order to make it harder for people to piece together actual confidential documents. And every night, or when she remembers, she takes everything in the shredder and burns it.

There's a reasonably prominently displayed sign saying in English and Chinese "I am very sorry to tell you that I am deaf. I can read your lips if you look at me and speak slowly".

Defining Moment: The demonic attack

Type: Smartass

Flavas: Ninja, Cinematic Disability (deafness)

Gear: In her magical girl form, Xiahe wields dual warfans, which count as a +2 Weapon, +1 Armor

Badass Points 12 Awesomeness 34 Setback 0


Yumi (Professional): Xiahe has had occasion to look for backup before, and prefers a mercenary to someone aligned with one of the syndicates. Also, Xiahe sympathises with her dislike of demon summoners, even if she doesn't know what underlies it.
Ingrid (Friendly): Xiahe met Ingrid after the attack on Schmitt Import/Export, and was impressed by her good humour. Xiahe has no idea that Ingrid is a Magical Girl, and thinks she's mostly uninvolved in the intrigues of the city, or at least as uninvolved as one can be in Roanapur. She finds it a relief to be able to talk to someone who's not in the game.
Noriko (Professional): Being the most reliable messenger in Roanapur is not a terribly high bar, but it is one that Noriko has surpassed, and Xiahe is grateful for small mercies.
Megan (Antagonistic): Xiahe was never very likely to want to get involved with members of the US military in the first place, and Megan doesn't want to deal with her either.


Liu Feng: A nondescript looking man in his late thirties, Liu Feng is a senior clerk in a well established marine insurance firm. Naturally this places him in a position to know a great deal about the movements of various groups, and sometimes he is prepared to make that information known for the right price. Liu Feng is associated in some way with the United Front Works Department, and it has been made clear to Xiahe that she is expected to cooperate with him.
Jalilah Li Li Yun: Cook and owner of Jalilah's, one of Roanapur's more popular Malaysian restaurants. It's not exactly a secret, but nor is it terribly well known that in her youth, Madame Li was a guerilla in the Malayan People's Liberation Army, and that she wound up in Roanapur when Malaya (as it then was) became too hot for her. It is well known that causing trouble in her place is a bad idea, and Xiahe considers it something of a refuge. Also, the food is really good.

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