Mano a Mano:Interfering

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Actions can keep other actions from succeeding. These actions are known as interfering actions. Multiple interfering actions may be used to interrupt a single action. For each interfering action, a roll is made against the targeted action. If any of these interfering rolls are successful, the target action fails. (See Rolling Dice/Multiple Opposing Actions.)

  • An interfering action can take place on any players turn. If a mad scientist tries to activate his doomsday device and a hero tries to tackle him and a henchman tries to block the hero's tackle, then all three actions (activation, tackle and block) happen on the mad scientist's turn.
  • When a character uses an interfering action against an attack aimed at their self, the interfering roll replaces their defense roll.
  • For an attack to successfully interfere with an action, the attack must successfully stun, damage or manipulate.
  • The number of hit points used by an interfering action can be no more than the number of hit points used by the action being interrupted.

Parrying - A parry is a one hit point action to interfere with an attack. Any special parry modifier that the character or his equipment may have is added to the parry roll, in addition to the character's passive modifier. (See Action Rules/Maneuvering and Equipment/Armor and Weapons/Parry.)