March of the 12/Anakin Skywalker

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Character Build Notes[edit]

  • 3 Stunts, 2 extra stunts
  • 2 extra aspects
  • 6 extra skill points
  • Starting Refresh: 3

Character Info/Aspects[edit]

  • Name: Anakin Skywalker
  • High Concept: Prophesied "Chosen One" Human Jedi Master (“...the One who will bring balance to the Force.”)
  • Trouble: Tempted by the Dark Side (“I will be the most powerful Jedi ever!”)
  • Extra Aspect 1: Thinks He's Doing The Right Thing (“You must know I will never join the Dark Side willingly!”)
  • Extra Aspect 2: Lightsaber
  • Phase 1 Aspect: "The Hero With No Fear!"
  • Phase 2 Aspect: Chancellor Palpatine Understands Me...
  • Phase 3 Aspect: "Well, If It Works..."

Changing Stats[edit]

  • Physical Stress: |_| |_| |_| |_|
  • Mental Stress: |_| |_| |_| |_|
  • Consequences:
    • Mild:
    • Moderate:
    • Severe
  • Current Fate Points: 1
  • Refresh: 1


  • Superb (+5) Transport
  • Great (+4) Fighting
  • Good (+3) Will, Vigor
  • Fair (+2) Mechanics, Athletics, Notice
  • Average (+1) Empathy, Persuasion, Lore, Blast, Deception


  • Lightsaber (x2) (The lightsaber causes your Fighting attacks to hit for Weapon 2, and when you succeed with style on a Fighting defense against an opponent that is not wielding a lightsaber, you can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost)
  • Lightsaber Deflection (Use Fighting to defend against Blast attacks while wielding a lightsaber)
  • Can't Get A Bead On Him (+2 to Defend actions when using Transport)
  • R2-D2's Human Sidekick (+2 to Transport or Mechanics when R2-D2 is specifically mentioned to be present & accessible in a scene)
  • Strong in the Force (When you succeed with style while using the Force as justification to create an advantage, create a full scene aspect instead of just taking a boost)
  • Djem So (When you tie on a Fighting attack, gain a +2 bonus to Fighting)


Phase One Adventure: "The Hero With No Fear"[edit]

Trapped with Task Force Alpha members by overwhelming Separatist forces on the dense jungle planet of Norku Tarnada, Anakin devised and lead a desperate, daring surprise attack at the height of one of the planet's terrifying monsoons. There were many Republic losses, including most of a closely-knit TFA squad whose trust and admiration Anakin had earned, but Separatist forces were scattered or destroyed. Anakin learned a painful lesson about sacrifice and the loss of life during war and about his own fear of failure and of his worthiness as a leader. Word of Anakin's performance-under-fire spread among the ranks, and he became a focus of Republic war-effort propaganda as, ironically, "The Hero With No Fear".

Phase Two Adventure: "Archived"[edit]

Just before leaving for Naboo on his protection detail with Senator Amidala, Anakin was summoned once again by Chancellor Palpatine. The Chancellor seemed flustered - alarmed, even - and was quite apologetic about pulling Anakin away, however briefly, from his pending assignment.

The Chancellor had heard about the discrepancy in the Jedi archives, and it had come to his attention that the head archivist was quite concerned and chagrined about the matter. The chancellor was fond of Jocasta Nu, as a friendly acquaintance and fellow student of...history. Since Kenobi had already departed on his investigation, and since the Chancellor trusted Anakin's discretion and forthrightness, he wondered if Anakin would check in on her before leaving Coruscant, as a personal favor.

Anakin seemed a bit uncomfortable and confused, so the Chancellor asked that he forgive an old man's foolish fancies, and then observed that perhaps Anakin wouldn't understand, having been raised by the Jedi since he was very young. Anakin awkwardly admitted that he had *some* understanding of such matters, and that they they had even been very present in his mind of late. The Chancellor appreciated Anakin's candor, and expressed some doubts about Jedi...vows, but was confident Anakin would find his way in such matters. Anakin agreed to carry out the errand, and even to report back with his findings before leaving for Naboo. The Chancellor was terribly grateful and even delighted, pleased to know he could trust Anakin.

Anakin found nothing like what he expected to find.

He managed to snap Jocasta Nu out of whatever sweating shock or trance she was in. When she finally registered Anakin’s presence, she recoiled in horror, and then a look of sudden comprehension or acceptance crossed her face. Her lightsaber lay on the floor several paces away.

Anakin retrieved it and attempted to hand it to her with a remark designed to lighten the mood. Calmer but still clearly unsettled, Jocasta replied with a simple "No." Anakin cod get no more out of her, and she departed without further word.

Anakin was pressed for time, and went directly to Chancellor Palpatine's office. Anakin described his encounter with Jocasta Nu. The Chancellor seemed confused, grave, but very appreciative of Anakin's efforts. As the triflest of repayments for the favor, and because he refused to keep Anakin from his assignment - and from Senator Amidala - any longer, the Chancellor assured Anakin that he would see to it that Jocasta Nu's lightsaber was delivered to the Jedi…

Phase Three Adventure: "Conspiracy on Corellia"[edit]

Anakin's pursuit of Roke Volzay and his ragtag Separatist-leaning cadre of mercenary counter-surveillance, sabotage, and demolitions experts led him to Corellia, the forge from which the Republic's armadas were born. Further investigation alongside Master Gallia and Padawan Shen led to the discovery of an anti-war movement on Corellia being covertly supported by the Trade Federation. At first, Anakin was distrustful and suspicious of the Corellian Jedi enclave, and saw them as opposition to the unity he firmly believed the Republic - and indeed the galaxy as a whole - needed. However, at a dire turn of events the enclave's "rogue" teachings and skill-sets turned the tide and won the victory Anakin sought. He learned that even seemingly sinister ideas and approaches can have their uses if properly handled with good intentions...

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