Marianne Ette
Marianne Ette[edit]
Refresh: 2
High Concept: Malfunctioning Mechanical Librarian
Trouble: Safety is My Pri... sec... sept... Duodenary Concern.
Aspect 3: Distally Accessible Information Archive
Aspect 4: Temporarily Experiencing Completely Coherant Rage. Do Not Stand By.
Aspect 5: Authority is no Exception
Good (+3) Careful
Fair (+2) Clever, Forceful
Average (+1) Flashy, Quick
Mediocre (+0) Sneaky
1: [ ]
2: [ ]
3: [ ]
Mild: _________________________
Moderate: _____________________
Severe: _______________________
'Because Marianne has a Distally Accessible Information Archive, she gets +2 to cleverly create an advantage by recalling an obscure or trivial fact.
Because Marianne is a Malfunctioning Mechanical Librarian, she gets + 2 to forcefully defend against other's movement.
Because your Safety Is Marianne's Duodenary Concern, she gets +2 to forcefully overcome obstacles through intimidation.
Because Marianne is Temporarily Experiencing Completely Coherent Rage, she gets +2 to carefully attack a target that has inflicted an unhealed consequence on a crew member.
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