Marteus the Sworn
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See also Marteus the Movanic Deva
Marteus the Sworn.
Sworn servant to Gregor (and through this, a sworn defender of the Holding) and Albard (and through this to the church of Pelor), Marteus is a charming, urbane Tiefling, well known and liked locally. He doesn’t hide his looks in Altendorf , and works primarily as a guard commander on the Tollgate.
His history with the party began as a rescued adventurer, trapped in the Lost Caverns of Iggwlv. The party were somewhat suspicious of the surly young Rogue (by inclination) and Warlock (by blood) of Devil descent, and ended up swearing him to oaths of obedience in return for his rescue. Twenty three years later, Marteus has changed from the surly rebel of his youth to the calm, self accepting Tiefling Champion of Good (as he sees it) of today.
He has recently decided that he needs to understand his own nature with greater depth, so has pursued Tiefling excellence [Paragon PrC] as a kind of acceptance of his heritage.
- Tiefling Rogue (6th)
- Warlock (7th)
- Paragon (2nd)
- Alignment: Chaotic Good (was CN)
Age: 43 Height:5'10" Weight: 170lbs
Marteus has hair so red it borders on metallic, almond shaped reddish eyes that are slit pupilled, and prominent enough incisors to remind you of a predator. He is charming and impulsive by nature, and is not afraid to act on his own interpretation of the right thing to do. He’s best known in town for intervening in trouble between passing groups of Adventurers and locals. What he isn’t well known for but does for is keep an eye on the minimal underworld of Altendorf , making sure things stay “honorable”.
Str: 14 +2 Dex: 18(20) +4/5 Con: 14 +2 Int: 16 +3 Wis: 12 +1 Cha:15 +2
- HP: 126 Initiative: +4(+5-gloves)
- Speed: 30ft(40ft-boots)
- AC: 10/+5 dex/+4 Chain Shirt/+3 Enchantment =22
- Base: +11/+6/+1 Melee +13(+16finesse)
- Missile +16
- Rapier +17/+12/+7
- Bow +17
- Rod (Thunder+Lightning) +18/+13/+8.
- Fort S: +12
- Ref S: +18
- Wil S: +14
Skills :
- Balance 12
- Bluff 17
- Climb 7
- Concentration 13
- Diplomacy 7
- Disable device 13
- Escape artist 20
- Hide 21
- Intimidate 14
- Jump 11
- Listen 12
- Move silently 18
- Open lock 10+5ring (not always worn)15
- Search 12
- Sleight of hand 10
- Spellcraft 10
- Spot 16
- Tumble 19
- Use magic device 14
Feats: Blind fighting, Combat Reflexes, Empower spell-like Ability, Extra Invocation, Precise Shot, Weapon finesse. [Light Armour, Simple weapons, Shortbow, Rapier, Hand Crossbow, Shortsword.]
Racial Abilities: Darkvision 60ft, +4 bluff/hide, Darkness 3/Day, Resistance cold/5,fire/5(10), elec/5.
Class abilities
- Rogue: Evasion, Uncanny dodge, Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +3d6, Trap Sense +2.
- Warlock: Eldritch Blast +4d6(6d6), Detect Magic, Dam Red 2/Cold Iron, Deceive Item, Invocations 4(5).
- Paragon: Improved resistance (fire)/5.
- Least: Eldritch spear, Hideous blow, See the unseen.
- Lesser: Voracious dispelling , Fell flight,
- Chasuble of fell power (+2d6 Eldritch Blast, Greater)[reclaimed] 18,000
- Vest of Resistance +3sts’ 9,000
- Mask of lies (Disguise self at will, Undetectable Alignment, always on +5 comp Bluff)[reclaimed] 17,000
- Hewards Handy Haversack [reclaimed](holds 120lbs,weighs 5. Free action to use) 2,000
- Ring of Invisibility: Invisibility spell, at will. 20,000
- Ring of Lockpicking +5 Open Locks, Knock, 1/day 4,500
- Possum pouch (12”x 3”wide pouch DC30 on search) 1800
- Quiver of Ehlonna [reclaimed](2lbs Holds 60arr/18jav/6spears,staves.) 1800
- Gloves of Dexterity (+2) 4,000
- Boots of Striding and springing (+10’ speed/+5 jump) 5,500
- Shortbow Comp (+2str bonus) +1 2,525
- Helm of Comp Lang & Read Magic 5,200
- Eversmoking Bottle
- Eyes of Doom
- The Sword Tang (+1 weapon) (Sheds light, Chaotic Good, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 15, Ego 8, Speech (Common, Auran, Draconic) and telepathy (wielder only), Darkvision (60 ft.) and hearing, Intimidate 10 ranks, Locate Object 3/day, Major Image 1/day) Added Deadly Precision to sword +16,000 *Rod of Thunder and Lightning
- Chain Shirt (+3 armor, Improved Slick, Twilight) (Mithril) (0% spell failure) [reclaimed]
- Ring of the Ram (21c)
- Wand of Lightning Bolt (5th) (4c)
- Wand of Magic Missile (7th) (8c)
- Rod of Flame Extinguishing
- Wind Fan
- Death Ward 4th cl 750
- Pass without Trace X 3 75
- Resist Cold, Acid, Sonics 10 450
- Detect Poison x 4 50
- Prot from evil x 4 100
Potions Cure light wounds.x 4 200 Neutralize Poison 750
- 12 Alchemical silver, Masterwork.
- 6 Adamantine, Masterwork.
- 12 Cold Iron. Masterwork
- 6 Darkwood Masterwork
- 4 alchemical arrows Masterwork
- 20 normal arrows Masterwork
- Acidic Fire 30
- Alchemists fire bullet 20
Holy Charm (Pelor).
The Sword Tang is a guardian spirit (Unnamed) for moral rogues and adventurers, and the two have been together for 12 years. Tang likes to engage in dour commentary with its user, pointing out the moral ambiguity of decisions. It still tends to cooperate in most situations. Tang can add Deadly Precision to any sneak attack, if it feels so inclined…
Exp: 118,206 Level 15th Current Dam:30