Master Donar Reed

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Donar Reed, Halfling Rogue

Donar is a halfling who is starting to get on in years now, preferring more to settle in peacefully at home with a pipe and pint than go prancing around on adventures. Despite this he has quite a reputation in his home town for his efficiency with daggers, and many claim he even once worked as an assassin. Donar himself ignores these rumors, and is in fact a peace loving individual who loathes fighting. Still he finds it hard to ignore the plight of others and often ends up getting in brawls that are beyond him.

Rogue 13 (Master Infiltrator)

Strength 12 (+1) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 12 (+1) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 18 (+4)

Hit Points - 98 Bloodied - 49 Healing Surges - 8/day


AC - Unequipped is 21 Fortitude - 18 Reflex - 21 Will - 20

Trained Skills

Acrobatics Bluff Insight Perception (Feat Trained Skill) Stealth Streetwise Thievery


Acrobatics = 22 Arcana = 7 Athletics = 14 Bluff = 15 Diplomacy = 10 Dungeonering = 8 Endurance = 8 Heal = 8 History = 7 Insight = 13 Intimidate = 10 Nature = 8 Perception = 13 Religion = 7 Stealth = 18 Streetwise = 15 Thievery = 18

8 Feats[edit]

Backstabber - Sneak Attack Dice increase to d8s Escape Artist - Attempt to escape grab as a minor actions, +2 to Acrobatics Halfling Agility - When using Second Chance attacker takes an additional -2 to its new attack roll Light Blade Precision - +2 to damage rolls vs Large or larger targets Quick Draw - Can draw an item as part of the action required to use it, +2 to initiaitive checks Secret Stride - No penalties to Stealth check for moving at full speed whilst hiding or sneaking. Full penalties for running Skill Training Weapon Focus (Light Blades) - +2 to damage rolls with light blades


At Will

Riposte Strike Sly Flourish


Bait And Switch Distracting Wound Fools Opportunity Sand In The Eyes Second Chance


Easy Target Knockout Walking Wounded


Chameleon Dangerous Theft Impossible to Catch Master of Deceit

Class Features[edit]

Artful Dodger - Charisma is an AC bonus to AC vs AOO Rogue Weapon Talent - +1 to attacks with daggers, damage die increase by one die for shuriken Sneak Attack - +3d6 Armour Proficencies - Cloth, Leather Weapon Proficiencies - Dagger, Hand Crossbow, Shuriken, Short Sword, Sling Inflitrators Action - When spending an action point for an extra action also gains an additional move action Skillful Infiltrator - +2 to Acroatics, Athletics and Stealth rolls

Racial Features[edit]

Second Chance as an encounter power +2 Acrobatics, +2 Thievery +5 Racial Bonus on Saving Throws against Fear +2 Racial Bonus to AC vs AOO


Lvl 15 Lifedrinker Dagger (+3) Lvl 14 Ghostphase Armour (+3) Lvl 11 Elven Boots Lvl 11 Amulet of Protection (+3) Lvl 10 Handy Haversack Lvl 8 Diadem of Acuity Lvl 7 Circlet of Authority Lvl 6 Magic Dagger (+2) Lvl 4 Everlasting Provisions Lvl 3 Gloves of Piercing


Dynamic Belt Lvl 9 4,200 Burglars Gloves Lvl 1 360 Sending Stones Lvl 11 [2] 9,000 Potion of Healing [4] 200

Total left = 240