Meamnar:Eclipse Of The Sun

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Eclipse of the Sun is an adventure for four 1st level player characters (PC's). The adventure is set in and near the small town of Crescent in the region of Caladorn in the campaign setting of Meamnar. The adventure was included in the forum-based campaign The Odd Couple.

Adventure Background[edit]

Malum, a tiefling, arrived in Crescent about three months ago, having fled the city of Siblar under suspicion of murder. He brought with him a unique pair of crystal spheres, which he is using to secretly gain control of the town. Using one of the spheres, a person can create images in the second sphere. To someone viewing the second sphere, these appear identical to the images produced by a Scrying spell or Crystal Ball.

Using the Charm Person spell, Malum convinced an anonymous adventurer to go to the temple of Pelor and donate the second sphere to the church. Once in the hands of Herod, the high priest of the temple, the second sphere was activated and Malum began sending him images of various events. Malum then used his abilities to ensure that those events came to pass. For instance, Herod witnessed in the sphere a brawl in the taproom of the Winking Dragon. Two days later, Malum used the Ventriloquism spell to instigate such a brawl.

As Malum continued to bait the hook, he proceeded to stake out the rest of the town, looking for other opportunities to exploit. He befriended many locals, including the town's constable, a couple prominent shopkeepers, and a few members of the militia. Eventually, he noticed that the town's Mayor would frequently disappear into the wilderness without explanation. After three aborted attempts to trail him, Malum finally succeeded in learning Tarkin's secret - that he was a lycanthrope.

With this knowledge, Malum's plans were set. He gave Herod one last image, that of Tarkin changing into an animal form and mauling the constable. As Malum predicted, Herod brought the news to the constable the following day, right after Malum conveniently shared Tarkin's secret with him. By that evening, the three of them were meeting in Herod's private chambers, discussing what was to be done. Through Malum's careful manipulation, he had the pair convinced that the only recourse was to strike first.

At that point, Malum experienced the only wrinkle in his plan. One of the acolytes, intending to bring a message to Herod, stumbled upon their conversation. Having already crossed Malum once before while the tiefling was busy 'working' one of the town's shopkeepers, the hapless cleric's fate was sealed. Malum told the others that he would "take care of the problem," and refused to explain himself further.

Though Malum is quite cunning, and knows that killing the acolyte would put his plan under substantial risk, he possesses a murderous tendency, possibly because of his heritage. This same character flaw doomed him in Siblar, where carefully-laid plans were ruined by his seemingly bipolar violent nature.

Adventure Synopsis[edit]

Once Tarkin is dead, Malum intends to use his influence to be elected Mayor. His next step is to slowly strip away the governing abilities of the Council, while transforming the town guard into an organization that is both more powerful and more loyal to him alone.

After witnessing the death of the acolyte, the party will have several opportunities to discover the true threat to the town. Tarkin's true nature will also likely be revealed. What the characters do with all of this information will set the stage for the final conflict as well as determine the future of the town.

Beginning the Adventure[edit]

The Fall[edit]

Read or paraphrase the following.

It is the 5th of Daramond (the ninth month), 1427 NR (Northern Reckoning). The frontier town of Crescent is quiet and peaceful, as the sun begins climbing the eastern sky. Aptly named, the town is indeed crescent-shaped, occupying a highpoint of this ridge that juts out slightly, providing the western edge of the town with a grand view of the thick forests below. A dense morning fog remains settled across the land below the ridgeline (which is only reached by a narrow road that winds back and forth down a narrow gap just south of town).

Leaving the warm and cozy common room of the Winking Dragon, the town's only inn, behind you, you have found your way to the low wooden palisade stretching across the ridge. Permitted to stroll freely up and down the walkway, a few of the common folk routinely take advantage of such peaceful mornings to gaze out over the forest, and this morning your group is among them.

The chill morning air will eventually give way to a warm, early autumn day, and the fog will soon burn off. In the meantime, though, dew covers most things, and your breath is easily seen as you enjoy the sight.

As jarring as a thunderclap, though, the morning's peacefulness is interrupted. You hear a scream to the south, and you turn immediately to see the source. Below the palisade, a lone figure, his arms flailing madly, and his robes flapping in the wind, falls to the ground below. No more than ten feet from the cliff face at first, the slope closes in on him, and you see him ricochet off the rock once before disappearing into the trees.

Concluding the Adventure[edit]


The BBEG is a tiefling Wiz7/Rog2.