Midnight Contract
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- GAME BOOKS: If you own the MIDNIGHT book(s) please do not read GM information or sections including monsters and secret background material.
- ONLINE FORUMS: If you visit an RPG forum such as RPGnet or Against the Shadow - please do not read materials your GM posts marked "SPOILER".
- ONLINE FORUMS: I often like to post on forums ideas from myself and players. I do this only to open up additional ideas I may not previously considered.
- RULES: We may misplay a rule during a game session. A monster or section of the world may be different from what you've read. I am open to hear your notes on inconsistencies - but please do not disrupt the current game session. Mention it afterward and I will consider the change and rule how it will continue for the next game session.
- RULES: We will only be using the Core D&D books and the Midnight books the GM owns. If you wish to use a rule, feat, etc... from another source please okay it by the GM first. I will note all "legal" books and house/additional rules on the campaign Wiki.
- CHARACTER SHEETS: I'd like everyone to make their character on the Excel spreadsheet custom built (by Bill) for our Midnight campaign. You will then upload the updated copy prior to game to the Yahoo! FILES section or make updates at my house prior to play. I can print new sheets weekly for your and my use.
- CHALLENGE RATINGS & XP: While I will use the standard Challenge Rating system for Experience Point Awards I remind you there are NO "challenge ratings" built for our Midnight world. No encounter will ever be specifically balanced for you or the situation. This should keep it interesting!
- GAME TIME: Cancelling, scheduling and arriving at game time is something we can work with. Respect your fellow player's time is all I ask. We'll understand schedule conflicts and such, just please make arrangements as far in advance as possible. Contact phone/email are in on the Yahoo! group. Be considerate.
- PLAY NICE: A good rule to play by is to come to the table to make everyone else's character shine. If you do the same, you'll get your spotlight as well.
- RULES: I'm not a rules heavy GM. I enjoy using the rules though. Generally if I forget a rule feel free to step in and help explain. When you do this, before talking please look the rule up and have page reference numbers to tell everyone. This also helps when using a new ability, rule or tactic. Look it up first before arguing or acting.
- ROLL THE DICE: Please don't dither when its your turn or youre asked for a check roll. Many times the dice will tell you if you even need to look at the modifier. A good suggestion is to roll hit & damage dice together, to have damage immediatly ready if you hit.
- GAME TIME: Arrival and play time. I like everyone to arrive for the game and once everyone is set I take 10-15 minutes before jumping into the game. This is time for everyone to decompress and relax together, finishing side conversations.
- FOOD: If you bring snacks and/or drinks bring them to share. If you snack or drink other's supplies please be considerate and bring something to share with them.
- CLEANUP: We play in my apartment. I'll ask everyone to be considerate and throw away garbage, put back books or things you use during the game, and generally please help me cleanup before leaving, especially where you sit/play.
- CO-CREATION: I invite and love to have player ideas for the game background and more. Similarly I also expect you to be the knowledge-base aid for all things/rules concerning your character - class, Heroic Path, skills, feats, etc...