Welcome to the Midnight: North & South campaign wiki's "Raiding Lardun" section.
Raiding Lardun is a mini-campaign set in the continuity of the North & South campaign world. This wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop fantasy role-playing game using the Midnight Setting for the Dungeons and Dragons system. This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be edited by anyone surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".
the Campaign Connections
Midnight Basics: a very short info brief about the difference of Midnight and D&D.
Midnight Character Creation: all the notes on creation your character.
Midnight PRE-GAME Character Background: herein are all the various options for players to do character background and the awards for the efforts.
Midnight: North & South Yahoo Discussion: This is where the group actively discusses game events, recaps as well as the planning of game gatherings and general group chit chat. new
All the people of [Eredane] know that freedom is a dying word. [The Shadow in the North] is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his [Night Kings].
But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow. Daily Life Under the Shadow
Through the ages destiny has searched for those with the will and want to make a difference in the Last Age of Man the Light is cast to two groups thousands of miles seperated by land but standing side by side against the Shadow in the North. One group of [Pathwalkers] begins their journey in the space between [Alvedara] and [Cambrial], while the other find their journey beginning just below [Cale] some distance from [Steel Hill] and the [Veradeen].
Character Creation[edit]
Attributes - point-buy system, 31 points
Other Rules - as per Kevin's house rules and character creation guidelines
Characters need to be level 7 (there might be an exception for a channeler) dwarves, and should be ready to go by Saturday Jan 6th (bring your copy with you). Your character will have 19K vp worth of gear, but Granig (the commander) orders that no mithral or magical items be taken on the mission. That means fill up on masterwork items, hired mercs, potions, charms, herbalism items, and tools. You'll have to get creative.
Some characters are statted out as starting points for those interested.
Posted in the Barracks of Garrol[edit]
Grand Corporal Granig Halefist needs veteran soldiers to perform a raiding mission. You and your families will be compensated and you will be entitled to a portion of the booty. This will be not only an opportunity to slaughter many orcs and goblinkin, but this mission will strike a blow to the supply trains running into Lardun.
We need some brave dwarves for this one. We'll need most of you to understand Orcish. The Erenlander, Black Tongue, and Trader's Tongue languages might come in handy. No other languages are expected to be encountered. Any knowledge of current enemy intelligence or ways of the forces of Shadow would be a great boon.
We will need at least one arcane practitioner, preferably someone versed in curing magics.
We need a bruiser or two for handling the enemy soldiers.
The plan calls for setting up a trap for a supply line, so we need someone with at least three missions' experience in ambushes.
It is essential that this mission have a lock and trap master - we are willing to pay handsomly for these skills.
Report to Grand Corporal Granig Halefist in the Garrol Military Beureau Offices on Shale Street.
RAIDING PARTY please keep this updated |
Dwarf | Dwarf | Dwarf | Dwarf | Dwarf |
Class | Class | Class | Class | Class |
Heroic Path | Heroic Path | Heroic Path | Heroic Path | Heroic Path |