Mordain's apprentices

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With the exception of Ted Sprangler, the rest of Mordain's apprentices will be stored here, in the order of their appearance in the current timeline.



Lawful neutral Empty Vessel male Wizard 3/ Wilder 4/ Cerebremancer 6

Giowann is a figure of Ted's past. Giowann grew up together with him long ago in the Halls of Mordain, and together they studied magic at Mordain's guidance. Although Ted and everyone else (with the possible exception of Mordain) thought that Giowann was a kalashtar, he's really an empty vessel, sent to Mordain to function as a sleeper agent. After the catastrophe though, he returned to Sarlona, where he became arcane consultant to Zhengyi. Giowann is quite likely the strongest wizard in Zhengyi's court, but because of his time in Khorvaire, he missed out on formal psion training, and he's thus an wilder. Now he seeks to meet Ted, out of reasons unknown. Maybe it's just because of their shared bond as immortals of Mordain.

Giowann looks exactly like he did when he first gained his immortality. A silverblond man in his early twenties, with a nearly constant smirk on his face. He's extremely confident and intelligent, and skilled at social encounters, something that has made him quite appreciated at the court. He's also a very loyal vassal of Zhengyi, which is pretty much as expected, as anyone who isn't loyal is dead instead.

Note: Character concept is slightly built around Gin from Bleach and Giovanni from Dogs, Bullets and Carnage, if anyone wondered.


Shadows over Cyre