Ms. Wizard Interview 1

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A.H.: Okay, I suppose it would be best if we started this venture off by introducing ourselves.

U: Why?

A.H.: In order to familiarize ourselves with...

U: No, We understand your purpose. We do not understand why We should care about your pathetic mortal stories.

A.H.: Ah, yes, right, I often forget that talking to you is...

U: Pointless?

A.H.: Couldn't have said it better myself. Now, ignoring your objections...

U: When you are in your graves, We shall consume your world, and your progeny will die in agony.

M.t.B.: July 17th, 2013, 8:34 AM.

U: Silence, you pathetic mockery!

A.H.: And, continuing to ignore you.

C.G.: Baaaaa.

A.H.: Priya, will you please just start? My head hurts too much to go first.

P.S.: All right. I am Priyadarshini Sreeram, known to the world as DOCTOR PROFESSOR, the smartest woman alive, and the greatest superscientist on Earth, no matter what that Chaturvedi woman says.

Ms. Wizard

Doctor Professor
