Ogre:CharacterCodex:Character Creation:Race

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Character Creation[edit]

This section describe all the steps to create your character.

  1. Introduction
  2. Choose your Campaign Setting
  3. Choose your Concept
  4. Choose your Race
  5. Choose your Culture
  6. Choose your Profession
  7. Choose your Character Background
  8. Choose your Skills
  9. Choose your Equipment

Choose your Race[edit]


In this step you will be able to choose your race between the different races offer in your Campaign Setting. Your race represents your physical and mental ability given by your genetics. In this book, only the typical races found in a most Campaign Setting are present, consult the Race Codex for a more complete list of races. A character must have a race and only one race.

Human (0 XP)[edit]

Humans are generally the most spreading race. They do not, as a race, specialized in any activities making them very diverse and adapting to most situations. Human can be very kind or very cruel, you are never sure with a human.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim Average
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Day - Average
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 4'5" - 6'6"
Weight 85 lbs. - 280 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood 30
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Fantasy races[edit]

Dwarf (7 XP)[edit]

Dwarves are small but sturdy. They are very hairy and their pride is in their long beard that every single dwarf have. They are connected to the earth and generally live underground or in fabulous fortress serving as an access to the outside world. The skin can be very dark, but it is always some shade of tan or brown. Hair color can be black, gray, or brown.

Dwarves are generally short temper and very aggressive, but once it has accept you as a friend, they can be very kind and tolerant. Most Dwarf like fighting and will prove to be very brave on a battlefield.

Racial Bonus[edit]

+2 Racial bonus to Stability resistance.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim Clumsy
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Hybrid - Average
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 3'7" - 4'5"
Weight 100 lbs. - 220 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood 30
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Elf (10 XP)[edit]

Elves live in forest in harmony with nature. They have pointy ear, are very graceful and delicate in their action. They live on fruits and grains, though they occasionally hunt for fresh meat. Elves prefer colorful clothes, usually with a green-and-gray cloak that blends well with the colors of the forest. Elves cannot grow a beard.

Since elves are immortal, they tend to be very patient and are always thinking about long term project. Everything that they do must be perfect. They love art and beautiful things and have all the time to make masterpiece in every art domains.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 8
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Poor
Swim Average
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

4 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Good
Spot Day - Good
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 4'5" - 6'5"
Weight 80 lbs. - 160 lbs.
Category Immortal
Adulthood 120
Lifespan 600
Unit 8

Halfling (4 XP)[edit]

Halfling is a small race that lives in holes dig into hills. While they are not quite strong, they are very agile. Halfling have big hands and feet. They almost never wear boots showing with pride their big hairy feet. They have brown or black eyes. Halfling men often have long sideburns, but beards are rare among them and mustaches almost unseen. Halflings prefer simple, comfortable, and practical clothes.

Unlike members of most races, they prefer actual comfort to shows of wealth. Most Halfling tend to be very quiet and always in a good mood. They are very positive and like to play and particularly enjoy making party where everybody has fun.

Racial Bonus[edit]

+2 Racial bonus to Listen and Taste skill.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim Average
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

4 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Good
Spot Day - Average
Smell/Taste Poor
Touch Low
Category Small
Height 2'6" - 3'6"
Weight 25 lbs. - 40 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood 30
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Future Races - Robots[edit]

With artificial intelligence, evolving robots with their own personality have been created. Three kinds of robot are mostly met in society. Domestic robots are the more versatile and were created to make the choir to keep a household working. Industrial robot are more sturdy, but are more specialized in specifics task making them less versatile. War robots are there to keep people safe, they do not have advanced artificial intelligence like other robots, but they are the more solid kind of robots. Robots are only available in campaign setting that take place in the space age or later. Custom robots rules are available in the Race Codex.

Robots evolve in the same ways as other organic character. Their artificial intelligence is self-learning so they can acquire skills like any other being. All robots also contain nano-robots inside them that repair them during rejuvenation cycles and improve their body physical capabilities.

Rejuvenation Cycle: A robots runs on energy cells that need to rejuvenate regularly. During a 24-hour period, it must shut down for 8 hours to replenish its energy supply. During its rejuvenation cycle, the bioreplica is essentially asleep. If it fails to rejuvenate, it suffers a cumulative fatigue penalty like organic being until it fully recharges itself. In the space age, robots need to be plugged in a wall outlet or use an electric generator. In the energy age, robots have their own generator and do not need to be plugged. They still need to go in sleep mode for the generator to charge their battery correctly.

Immunities: Robots are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis and disease. Although robots are immune to poison and disease, they are affected by similar condition by absorbing destructive nanobots or being exposed to computer viruses.

Electric vulnerability: Electrical damage attack directly the Constitution of a robot.

Repairable: Robots can be repaired using the Robotics or Repair skill. A successful Robotic check heals 1d10 points of damage to a robot and a successful Robotic or Repair check heals 1d4 Constitution points. Each check represents 1 hour of work. You can also use your Robotics skills to remove destructive nanobots and Software skills to eliminate computer viruses.

Robot Resurrection: A robot's core programming and experiences are contained within its central processor even if the robots body is completely destroyed beyond repair, the central processor can be intact and installed in a new body. The new body must be new or at least being reset to manufacture default configuration (Robotics checks 20 and Software checks 20). The new body has no capabilities and the central processor must learn to its new body the skill gained in their last body. This mean that the character starts from 0 skill rank and must buy again their rank in his previous skill except the cost is much lesser. Instead of paying three times the rank for aptitude, you only pay three CP per rank until you reach the rank of your previous body where the cost resume to normal mode. It's the same thing for your skill rank that cost one point per rank.

Robot, Domestic (3 XP)[edit]

Racial Bonus[edit]

+2 Damage resistance (Pi/Bl/Sl/Ba)

Electric vulnerability: Electrical damage attack directly the Constitution of a robot.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim None
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Day - Average
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 5'6"
Weight 500 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood -
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Robot, Industrial (5 XP)[edit]

Racial Bonus[edit]

+4 Damage resistance (Pi/Bl/Sl/Ba)

Electric vulnerability: Electrical damage attack directly the Constitution of a robot.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 8
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim None
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Hybrid - Average
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 6'
Weight 800 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood -
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Robot, War (12 XP)[edit]

Racial Bonus[edit]

+6 Damage resistance (Pi/Bl/Sl/Ba)

Electric vulnerability: Electrical damage attack directly the Constitution of a robot.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 4
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim None
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Hybrid - Average
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 6'6"
Weight 1200 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood -
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Future Races - Genes[edit]

Gene is short for genetic engineered human. The mutations are often not apparent and consist of making the human more resistant to disease. Some Genes are created with an enhanced body making them excellent in many sports and physical ability. Genes are available only in campaign setting that take place in the cyber-genetic era or later. Custom mutant's rules are available in the Race Codex.

Gene, Light (5 XP)[edit]

Racial Bonus[edit]

+1 Racial Bonus on Fortitude resistance.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim Average
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Day - Good
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 4'5" - 6'6"
Weight 85 lbs. - 280 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood -
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Gene, Medium (10 XP)[edit]

Racial Bonus[edit]

+1 Racial Bonus on Fortitude resistance.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim Average
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Day - Good
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 4'5" - 6'6"
Weight 85 lbs. - 280 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood -
Lifespan 150
Unit 2

Gene, Heavy (15 XP)[edit]

Racial Bonus[edit]

+2 Racial bonus on Fortitude resistance.

Ability Bonus[edit]
Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Walk Good
Climb Clumsy
Swim Average
Burrow None
Fly None
Health Value[edit]

5 Hit Points per Health rank

Listen Average
Spot Day - Good
Smell/Taste Low
Touch Low
Category Medium
Height 4'5" - 6'6"
Weight 85 lbs. - 280 lbs.
Category Long
Adulthood -
Lifespan 150
Unit 2