Opa Wil

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The Mechanic[edit]

Opa Wil was a small time janitor with a talent for singing scat and working on all different types of machines with almost preternatural skill, before he, at a whim, took a series of tests that revealed he had the Knack for piloting 'mechs

Fields: Biology, Medicine, Persuasion (diplomacy, professional)


  • Witty
  • Nattily Dressed
  • Impulsive

Gear: Reactive Clothing, sound system, stimulants


Combined Arms(Rank 2)[edit]

  • Ignore Light Cover penalty for melee engagement.
  • First attack against Opa each round automatically misses.

Duelist (Rank 1)[edit]

Martial Artist (Rank 1)[edit]



Kit Bonuses: N/A



GMS Standard Pattern I ("Everest")[edit]

License: IPS-N Raleigh 1 (+4 HP, +1 Hull)

Hull: +2 (HP: 24, Repair Rate: 5, Melee Damage Bonus: +2)

Agility: 0 (Evasion: 8, Speed: 5)

Systems: -1 (E-defense/Sensor Range: 8, Invasion/Scan/Lock-On: -1)

Engineering: (Heat Cap: 10, Repair Cap: 5, Cooling: 5)

Size: 1

Storage: 3

Aim: 0

Armour: 1

EP/IP: 8/5

Ground Assault Loadout[edit]
  • GMS Type 1 MC-AR (2 EP, 2 IP) Main Rifle, Assault, Integrated, Range 12, 1d6 kinetic damage
  • GMS Type 1 MC-BLD (2 EP) Main Melee (sword), Reach, 1d6 damage
  • GMS Type 1 MC-BLD (1 EP) Main Melee (knife), Reach, 1d3
  • Grapplers (1 EP) Gain +1 Accuracy on grapple attempts. Your mech has additional gear for grappling or lifting.* While grappling a target, you are no longer limited on the weapons you can attack with (you can* attack with two auxiliary or main weapons in any combination, or a heavy or superheavy weapon)
  • GMS Modular Ceramo/Ferrous Plated Armour (1 EP, 2 IP) [+1 Armour]
  • GMS EVA Modules - 1 IP
  • Personalizations - 1 EP, +2 HP