Out of the Spiderverse: Spiderling

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Real Name: Kay Hammond

Look: Ambiguous, White, Comfortable Clothing, Flashy Costume

Abilities: Spider-Powers, Acrobatics, Trick Spider-Eggs


History: Kay is a huge fan of Spider-Man. The idea, the look, the powers, everything. But Kay hasn't exactly been on the inside, and has had to make deductions about how this stuff works. Kay notably made they key observation that unlocked everything else at a young age-- Spider-Man was using some kind of devices on his wrists to shoot out lines! Spider-Man didn't have powers-- he had skills, and technology!

And that was plenty for Kay to work off of, even if they were, technically, actually wrong about most of it. Web-shooters were the start, but hey, from there, sticking to walls? Easy adaptation of the same trick. Super-strength? Well, working on it, but steroids and T help a lot anyway. And Kay kind of wanted the T to begin with. Agility? Practice! Kay threw themselves into Parkour, fighting practice, training with their developing technology, and why wait until you're ready? The time to do this kind of thing is NOW!

So Spiderling is kind of like a young Peter Parker who didn't actually have powers, but was determined to do this whole crazy thing anyway, relying on making new technology, training like a crazy person, and just trying to DO IT until it works!

Or until Kay gets themselves killed. Also a risk.

The Beacon[edit]


  • Danger -1
  • Freak -1
  • Savior +2
  • Superior +1
  • Mundane +2


No powers and not nearly enough training[edit]

You’re always picking up new gear to keep yourself in the game. Whenever you pick up a new piece of gear, you can write it in as a new ability if this line is empty.

The first time you use each piece of gear to directly engage a threat, unleash your powers, or defend someone, you can roll + Mundane instead of the normal Label.

Straight. Up. Creepin’[edit]

When you scope out a person or place, roll + Mundane. On a 10+, ask two. On a 7-9, ask one.

  • what’s my best way in/out?
  • what happened here recently?
  • what here is worth grabbing?
  • who or what here is not what they seem?
  • whose place is this?

On a miss, you find yourself in over your head. The GM will tell you why this is a bad spot.


  • How did you gain your skills?
    • Practice. Duh. Well, okay, I watched a lot of Parkour videos, did a lot of research, figured out what exercises I needed to do, gave myself a bunch of drugs to boost my muscle mass, and then went out and did them. Which is also how I figured out how to build the gadgets I use-- research and experimentation. You know, just like everybody else does.
  • When did you first put on your costume?
    • Uh, what day is it, again? Monday? It was, uh, last Wednesday. Final test run of the eggs and the mask’s expressions and stuff. I did NOT expect to have to use it for real this fast.
  • Who, outside of the team, thinks you shouldn’t be a superhero?
    • Well, Claypool, for one. He’s got a Tiktok channel where he talks about heroes in the City, and wow, he was NOT impressed by me. And goes on about it. A lot. Asshole.
  • Why do you try to be a hero?
    • Look, in the first place, it’s cool. But also… look. If I stay just me, Kay, nobody doing nothing, what kind of difference am I really going to make? If I do this thing, maybe I can save lives. Maybe I can be someone people look up to. Maybe I can change the world.
  • Why do you care about the team?
    • I mean, how could I not? Have you seen what we’ve been through together?


  • Make out with a teammate
  • Pull off a ridiculous stunt
  • Help a teammate when they most need me
  • Reject someone who tells me I shouldn’t be here

The Team[edit]

  • When our team first came together, we found signs that this incident was just the start of something bigger. What were the signs?
    • The money was the obvious goal, and as far as we can tell, that's what the Sinister Syndicate thought the goal was. But it sounded like someone else gave them the plan-- and it had been arranged so that the damage they did brought down security at another government building. So what the heck was up with that? Maybe that was the real goal, but no one told the Syndicate?


Catspaw is awesome, and you take every chance you get to hang out with them.

You've got to prove yourself to Wolf Spider before you feel like a real hero.


"Give Influence to three of your teammates" *counts heads* Well, that's... everybody, actually.