Project Majin Overdrive:Mecha
I have been having trouble figuring out what to do with the mecha. Luckily for me, since the campaign was originally designed to use the Mecha Crusade d20 Mini Game, I was able to find this handy Mecha Crusade BESM conversion here.
Below are some sample mechs built with the system above. You can use them as is or modify them. In fact, for my players, they will have to use these stock mecha until they can get to a location to modify them or find new mecha.

Standard Mech Template[edit]
Large Mecha Speed 50 kph MP 10 MB +1 DCV/-1 Init Size 2 People 1 Cargo None Armour AR 0 HP 60 Skill: OBM 1: ? MP (4) Mecha Attributes [13 MP]: Ground Speed 1: Slow, 50 kph [2], Super Strength 1: ½ ton, +10 damage [3], Toughness 1: +20 HP, 41-60 HP [4], Weapon Attack 1: ""Large Slam"", 30 damage [4], Muscle-Powered: +Body or Super Strength {1}, Melee {-2} Mecha Defects [-3 BP]: Awkward Size 2: Giant/Size 2-3, 6 meters [-2], Poor Maneuverability: +1 DCV, -1 Init [-1]
Duralloy [6 MP] Light Armour 6: AR 15 [6],
Advanced Diagnostic Mecha Regeneration 4: 1/20 HP/5m, active [16],
Heavy Fortification [8 MP] Toughness 2: +40 HP, 61-80 HP [8],
Back: Omicron 1100 thruster backpack [2 MP]; Flight 1: Can Hover, Very Slow 30 kph [4], Poor Maneuverability: +2 DCV, -2 Init [-2]
Helmet: Mk. 7a Oracle targeting system [2 MP]; Combat Mastery 1: +1 ACV/DCV [2]
Shoulders: M-55 Talon missile launcher [20 MP]; Weapon Attack 5: ""M-55 Talon missile launcher"", 55 damage [20], Accurate: -4 {2}, Limited Shots: 4 {-1}
Left Arm: Bulwark V18 defense shield [1 MP]; Shield 1: AR 15 [1]
Right Arm: H42a Excalibur energy sword [4 MP]; Weapon Attack 1: ""Awkward Size 2 H42a Excalibur energy sword"", 15 damage [4], Accurate: -2 {1}, Muscle-Powered {1}, Melee {-2}
-- OR --
Right Arm: Mk.1 Warpath recoilless rifle [24 MP]; Weapon Attack 6: ""Mk.1 Warpath recoilless rifle"", 35 damage [24], Auto-Fire {3}
TOTAL: 63 MP (w/ Excalibur) or 83 MP (w/ Warpath)
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