Purchase Prices of Goods

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- Main Page; Soldier Port

Jabal Pricing These prices are for Jabal only and reflect his Bargaining ability with the local merchants. He may choose to extend them to other PC's directly or may elect to take a small profit on items at his discretion.

Metal Items
Item Cost Available ENC ea.
Axehead 30 4 0.4
Hammerhead 20 9 0.25
Hatchethead 10 0 0.25
Hoehead 10 1 0.2
Knife1 40 8 0.2
Spade 40 9 1.5
Nails (50) 10 2 0.5
Arrowhead 5 33 0.01
Javelinhead 5 0 0.1
Spearhead 5 0 0.2
Shortsword1 100 4 1.0
Helm2 120 4 2.5

1 Sheath not included. 2 4 AP, open faced infantry helm.

Bulk Fish
Item Cost Available ENC ea.
Fresh 0.2 - 1
Pickled 0.4 (18) 1
Fancy Pickled 1 - 1
Salted 0.5 (44) 1
Smoked 0.2 (18) 1

Large Animals
Item Cost Available
Mule 500 -
Horse 800 -
Pig 50 24
Ox 750 -
Cow 750 -
Steer 1050 -
Breeding Bull 1200 -

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