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Pyrielheart is the first Cathedral constructed to Pyriel since his ascension to godhood. The Cathedral was paid for by Merrix D'Cannith, paying off that being's debt to the Church. Ironically, the Church is currently funded by other elements of the Aurrum who consider the organization a wonderful way of distracting the heavy Mourner population.


Pyrielheart is a beautiful Cathedral that is rather small by comparison to Flamehold but one of the largest cathedrals currently in existence in this portion of Khorvaire. It is constructed in a Cyrean style and actually largely made from remnants of churches that are harvested stone by stone from the Mournlands. The stone is blackened by the Mourning and the place has a decidedly foreboding appearance because of it.

The stained glass windows of the Cathedral depict images of Pyriel rebelling against Heaven, becoming the champion of the people in the Daelkyr Wars, fighting the Keeper, and then possessing Cassius before saving the world from the vengeance of the evil gods. Most impressive is a giant statue of Pyriel that exists in the center of the altar room.

Pyriel's heart has a Argentum Dungeon underneath it that is devoted to assembling weaponry for the fighting of demons and libraries on how to do battle with them. It also contains a gymnasium for training in the sword and battle against the forces of evil. This portion of the cathedral is filled with Angels and Aasimar that are devoted to protecting the materials gathered for the defeat of the forces of darkness.

Ceremonies are routinely held with either Dawn the Speaker of Pyriel or Marlene the Songtress of the Order.


Pyrielheart is the center of the burgeoning religion of Pyriel. Being the place that he returned after so many centuries of exile, Pyrielheart is a religion that appeals very strongly to the Mourner people and their own lack of hope after the end of their nation. Thus, the arrival of Pyriel has resulted in them constructing a cathedral in Shadowfast.

The majority of the funding came from anonymous donations by Merrix III who believed this would distract and confuse his enemy, Cassius D'Shadowfast. In truth, the Archduke is a believer in religious freedom and mostly considered the business beneath him to oppose.

Currently, the faith is continuing to grow due to the fact that the country of Shadowfast has been at the center of so many near-Khorvaire destroying events. Oddly, it was one of the few buildings unharmed by Merrix III's attack on the Archduchy. The fact it opened its doors to protect the populous against the Thuranni ninja's sabotage makes it a place that is well beloved by even those skeptical of them.


Pyrielheart's current activities are mostly training the first crop of Priests and Templars for the faith. The cathedral's construction is something that will take something like four years to build despite the fact it is now almost half-way done already and is already conducting services.

Bizarrely, the Order of the Sword has already begun fostering Mournland expeditions left and right. The majority of these expeditions are built around hunting Abberations and creatures that inhabit the horrors of the Mourning. These expeditions are mostly cautious due to the potential for high causalties but have managed to give Cyreans a sense of strength and return from their homeland.

Shadows over Cyre