Raiders of the Rim:Rujat Vel

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Rujat Vel[edit]
Name: Rujat Vel
Refresh: 2
High Concept: Vagabond Mandalorian Scout
Trouble: I Really Don't Care If I'm A Fugitive Of The Empire
Aspect: Give Me a Reason Not To
Aspect: There's Always A Way Out
Aspect: This Isn't the First Time a Job Went Sideways
Extra Aspect: Inherited Mandalorian Body Armor
Player: Arandil

Main Page Rujat Vel is a Mandalorian from a clan that is effectively scattered and lost, with only a handful, at most, of members left wandering/hiding across the galaxy. He had been searching for an ancient Mandalorian relic as part of an attempt to reinvigorate/re-establish his clan and resist the Empire. His search led him to sign on with a scavenger crew setting out for the Bajic Sector, as he'd uncovered hints that his long lost relic might be somewhere in the vast debris field. What he uncovered out in the debris of the Bajic Sector led him to conclude that the relic was either never there or lost, and the scavenger crew double-crossed him to avoid having to share their spoils. A fire-fight and chase ensued on the scavenger's vessel and on-board ordinance was inadvertently exploded, leaving the vessel mostly crippled and spacing the scavenger crew. Rujat has been trying to find a way to get the vessel operational enough to get to the nearest safe haven or hitch a ride on any other vessels passing through.


+4 Notice

+3 Pilot, Shoot

+2 Provoke, Security, Stealth

+1 Athletics, Computers, Fight, Physique, Will


Fly Casual

Use Pilot instead of Deceive when trying to be sneaky while operating a vehicle.

Cover Fire

Use Shoot to Defend while in combat.

Spot a Tell

Use Notice to defend against Deceive.


Mandalorian Body Armor


Hardened Armor

Utility Arsenal

(Grappling Cable)(Shoot) - Create advantages for entangling or gripping something with the cable.

(HUD Visor)(Notice) - Create advantages to see in darkness or fog/steam/dust.

(Mag Grip)(Athletics) - Create advantages to keep footing or grip on metal surfaces.

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