Running Sheet Arlo
Arloxedra, First Son of Eric Arloxedra
Father: Eric of Amber
Children: one
- ex-Crown Prince of Amber
- Prince of Amber
Knight of amber age adults of Rasak
Total:1295= 496 Stats+ {360(135)} Powers+70 Skills+{108(58)} Items +0/0 allies/Enemies + 24 Shadow +3 (-1) Stuff+0 Storage
- 20 Research of the Sword and related efforts.
- 2 Brand & sightblinder
- 2021 Anniversary Advancement.
- 10 Pips- Advancement toward Advanced Trump
- 3 Pips to Endurance
- Psyche: 190
- Strength: 64
- Endurance:161
- Warfare:81
Rasak Added
Powers {360(135)}[edit]
- 25 (75) Master Pattern Imprint Arlo's Spells
- 70 Shape Shift-70
- Chaos Form: Leather winged angel
- Animal form: Phoenix
- 5 Basic Imprint of Paragon. Arlo's Spells
- 5 Basic Imprint Pócaí Arlo's Spells
- 10 Basic Imprint Alamond Arlo's Spells
- 5 Basic Imprint Adren Stone Arlo's Spells
- 60 (60) Exalted Sorcery-30
- 80 Advanced Trump Artist-80
- 80 Master Conjuration-20
- 25 Power Words -25. Arlo's Spells
- 15 Mal at Reiss Imprint-15 Arlo's Spells
- Master of the Jewel of Judgment (GM )
- Attuned to Eric's Armor-Shatter Bound (GM)
- Attuned to Eric's Sword-Galis (GM)
- Worn the Crown of Amber (GM)
- Held the Banner of Amber in Combat (GM)
- Ashtray (GM)
- Chanticleer's Claw (gm)
- Master Imprint of Amber: 24 Any Level
- Basic Imprint of Paragon: 24 Any Level
- Basic Imprint Pócaí: 2 Major, 8 minor spells
- Basic Imprint Alamond:4 Major, 8 Minor
- Basic Imprint Adren Stone: 1 major and 6 minor spells.
- Mal at Reiss Imprint:8 Major
(-64 Pips in Negatives)[edit]
- -30 pips in Enemies
- -20 Pips Major Doom
- -10 Pips Minor Doom
- -1 Twitch
- -3 pips Bad Stuff
Skills {70}[edit]
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}[edit]
- 6 Dworkin
- 6 Darcy Rozaro
- 4 King Random
- 4 Dame Margot
- 4 Elayne
*4 xxxxx-Chaosian
- 4 Vance
- 4 Despil
- 3 Helene du Sarn
- 3 Fortunadus Enright
- 2 Florimel
- 2 Benedict
- 2 Dart of Hale
- 2 Jurt
- 2 Venki Fairhand
*2 xxxxxxx Chasoain
- 1 Vander
- 1 Sally Mal at Riess
- 1 Sang Wallu
- 1 Casey Kossi
- 1 Cogswell Mal at Reiss
- 1 William Roth
- 1 Carissa
- 1 Alexi Regor
- 1 Alexanda Mira
- 1 Vomil
- 1 Digan the Ruby Mage
- 4 Caine
- 2 Ciprian Vitalijus
- 2 Fiona
- 1 Vialle
- Allen Dormin
- Elite
- Elite
- Elite
- Elite
- Elite
- Hymal Urien
- House Feldane
- Cat-primal Creature
- Cats of Castle Amber-33 pips
Amber Vitality 4, Amber Stamina 2, Vs Weapons 1, Psyche Sense 1, Rapid Heal 2, Follow Shadow Trail 1 (always find Arlo), Horde *3
- Darcy Rozaro- 21 pips
Amber Vitality 4, Double Speed 2, Amber Stamina 2, Vs Weapons 1, Deadly Damage 4 (physical attacks), Elite Training 8
Items {108(58)}[edit]
Arlo's's Walking Boots (58).[edit]
- 4 Engine Speed-5 Transfer 5
- 4 Endless Stamina – Transfer 5
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Deadly damage
- 4 Regeneration - Transfer 10
- 2 n/n shapes: Calf Boots-slops(main Form)with two sheathed for knifes, Ankle Boots-slops with two sheathed for knifes.,Sneakers, Sandals, Hiking Boot. Dress shoe, dress High court, Spiked Warboots calf greeves.
- 8 trump images:
- 4 rack and use spells. 12 Minor/4 Major Arlo'sSpells
- 1 Ability- Sticky Boots. (Stone of Skulls) Walk on all solid surfaces without falling except on purpose.
- 1 Ability-Leaping. (Stone of Skulls) Leap 50 amd land using the sticky function
- 1 Ability: Call to Don/ Return.
- 1 Ability: Cleanse boots and up to 6' in Diameter on demand.
Acquired by From the Lagadium Games of Gustevedem. Empowered by the Stone of Skulls[[1]]
Arlo's Suit. 17[edit]
- 4 Invulnerable.
- 1 Ability-Proof vs Drowning.
- 1 Ability-Arm/Disarm
- 4 limited Shapechange
- 1 Ability-Pouch of holding. 2'x 2' left rear pocket.
- 1 Ability-Pouch of holding. 3'x 7' right rear pocket
- 1 Ability-Pouch of holding. 9"x10"x4". Coin pocket.
- 2 Ability-Cleanse on Demand. 5 Transfer. Cleanse wearer. Cleanse anyone within 10 meters
- 15 x2 N/N:12 pairs. Arlo, Elayne, Eric(buried in them) , Gerard,
Usually worn as blue jeans.
Arlo's Hat-8 pips[edit]
- 4 Pip Invulnerable
- 1 Ability- Only he can remove it.
- 2 N/N forms: sack hat, slouch hat,fedora, baseball cap-LA Dodgers, baseball cap-Nenton Fireballs, baseball cap-Amber Kolvirians, fancy cavalier hat
- 1 Ability: Call/return
- 8
Arlo's coat 13[edit]
- 2 VS Guns
- 2 Rapid Heal
- 4 limited Shapechange
- 1 Ability: call to don/return
- 1 ability: PoH:2'x2'x2'
- 1 ability: PoH:10'x10'x10'
- 2 Ability: Cleanse coat & Wearer. Cleanse anyone within 10 Meters.
- 13
Usually worn as a black leather biker style jacket or a trenchcoat or s worn Jean jacket
ashtray 30[edit]
- 2 Vitality
- 2 mobility
- 2 Stamina
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Tongues. "Pelly" acts as a microphone for Arlo
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Mold Shadow Stuff(findable in shadow)
- 1 Alt/Form Ashtray/Frisbee of death,
- 4 Ability-Attracts smoke, scents, ash,
- 4 Ability-Hold Light-Will keep a lit substance in stasis, not burning till taken from the ashtray,
- 1 Ability-Call to hand,
- 1 Ability: Hide
- 30
One of Ali's first artifacts using the Jewel. One of his oldest and closest friends.
Harp. 17[edit]
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Able to Speak -Remembers songs played and can repeat them. "Cali"
- 4 N/N Forms:Harp 32 string, guitar, banjo, 12 string guitar, purple electric guitar, bass guitar
4 Rack Spells: 6 spell to assist musically
- 1 ability-Variable amplification.
- 17
Arlo's Guitar Case 23[edit]
- 2 vitality
- 2 mobility
- 2 stamins
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Seek in Shadow
- Operates in the manner Corwin retrieved Grayswandir after his escape
- 4 Regeneration
- 2 Named and Numbered spells. Holds a rack of 6 spells which once loaded will not deteriorate.
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand/Return
- 1 Ability: Pack Case
- 1 Ability: acts as a BoH to appear thin but have 3 think sections
- Appearance: The item appears like a thin, light, but extremely sturdy and stylish guitar case.
- Item operates as 3 separate guitar case levels
- Main and obvious level: Musical instrument as appropriate to the user. Tool Case. Folder for sheet music.
- Hidden Level One:Usually general supplies
- Hidden Level Two.Usually 15-fitted with scope
- 33
'King Eric's Blade
- Item Vitality:2 points; Chaos Vitality
- Item Movement:4 points; Engine Speed. (Fly 120mph)
- Item Stamina: 4 points; Endless Stamina. Transfer 5
- Extraordinary Damage: 8 points; Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons.
- Intelligence: 4 points; IQ 17/Ego 17. Willing partner.
- Psychic Defense:4 points; Psychic Barrier,5 points; Transfer Quality (at the will of the Wearer)
- Movement in Shadow: 4 points; Shadow Seek
- Item Healing: 8 points; Extraordinary Regeneration. 5 points; Transfer Half-Power (Regeneration 4 on wearer)
- Item Shape Shifting: 8 points; Special (12 distinct Forms)
- Shapes of Galis:broadsword, Gladius, scramasax, greatsword, Javlin,
- Ability 1 pip -Call to Hand
Nasty Place Graduate Blade (9)[edit]
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Ability: Return to Hand/Return to Forge on death
- 2 n/n forms; knife, longsword, rapier, cooking knife.
- 2 Rack Spells:6
- 9
Trident Dagger-7[edit]
Trident Dagger
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Ability-disarm on occasion
- 1 Ability-Ink Wound-Causes a black discoloration after healing
- 1 Ability-Return to hand
- 7
Shadows. 24[edit]
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 2
(-1) Pern.
- 3 Good Stuff
Bond Gladiator
Arloxedra Article of Submission