Rylien Onsokomaru

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Rylien Onsokomaru

LG Kalshtar Ninja 5, Lurk 3

Personality: Rylien is calm and collected. He, like Verei, knows when to strike and he is a tactical thinker at heart. His Ninja training and Psionic powers give credit to this, he is never worried or panicked even by the greatest of threats and he understands that when it is his time to die he will do so with honor.

Background: Rylien comes from a strange line of Kalashtar. All of his family seem to be Ninja's. He's no different. He grew up with his human mother and his Kalashtar father in Khorvaire where he learned both the way of the ninja from his mother who practiced with the goblinoids and the way of the Lurk from his father. Rylien's father was killed by agents of the Dark when he was young but despite this he has accepted his fathers death and seek to fight the Dark, as his father did, to protect the innocence of Khorvaire.

Roleplaying Tips: Rylien is a ninja. There's really not much else to say about him. Just make as many ninja references as you can while playing him and make sure to accent that fact.

Shadows over Cyre