STM: V'Raas

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Junior Petty Officer V'Raas[edit]

A supporting character in the Star Trek: Mercury game.

Junior Petty Officer V'Raas - male Caitian Operations Manager

Was born on Cait, the Caitian homeworld. He comes from a family of science officers, but hated the discipline and was more interested in simple mechanics, so he bucked the tradition and went into engineering. He much prefers being in Geoffrey's Tubes than anywhere else at all, as it's relaxing and quiet and allows him to focus on what he loves doing, which is fixing things. And he spent most of his early career doing just that.

At a certain point, however, he was NOT approached by Starfleet Intelligence, nor did he accept their recruitment, and is NOT currently on any sort of assignment under their purview. There is no record of this.

Shortly after that didn't happen, V'Raas was the subject of a teleporter accident that left him with PTSD and an interest in Quantum Mechanics (in an attempt to figure out how to fix all teleporters). This event lead him to pursue advancing his career to Operations Manager so that he could oversee the maintenance and operations of the teleporters, among other things.

Assignment to the Mercury was not his choice, of course, and he's not terribly happy that the ship is so small and has so very few Geoffrey's Tubes, but he does feel obligated to try to make it his home.

He's currently seeing Dr. V as frequently as possible to manage his PTSD and discuss the future of his career.

He is Studious, Hypervigilent, Cautious as an Engineer, and keeps being told he has a lot of Untapped Potential (which he hates hearing, honestly).

He values community and precision in all work, and believes that innovation relies on curiosity.

He's pretty good with Geoffrey's Tube Maintainances, Computers, Electro-Plasma Power Systems, Infiltration, Persuasion, and Quantum Mechanics.