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- Caballi Destrier Level 2 (female)
- XP: 3390/6780
- Alignment: Neutral
- Retainer of Nerhgui
- Titles or Holdings: None
- STR: 14 (+1 Melee, 3-in-6 open doors)
- INT: 12
- WIS: 13 (+1 Magic Saves)
- DEX: 8 -1 initiative -1 AC
- CON: 13 (+1 Hit Points)
- CHA 12
- Languages
- Common
- Caballi
- General Skills
- Athletics
- Jumping (STR) skilled 9+
- Running (CON) skilled 9+
- Survival
- Wilderness Survival 9+
- Tracking (WIS) Expert 4+
- Navigation (INT) proficient 15+
- Athletics
- Class Abilities
- Claustrophobic -1 all rolls indoors, underground, thick woods or jungle
- Strong but fragile - massive damage is dealt at advantage (highest damage roll)
- Tireless exert 3xnormal must still rest at standard intervals
- Large creature
- Use human sized 2-handed weapons with -1 penalty to initiative
- Calballi sized 2-handed weapons last in round damage one die higher
- Armor weighs 1.25x, costs 1.5x
- Porter double carrying capacity (800cn/1200cn/1600cn/3200cn)
- Cleave once per attack per level
- Unarmed attacks 1d3+STR
- Minimum damage for Melee and thrown missile weapons 1d6+STR
- Sense Magic (D:Concentration/turn R:10' - tell direction, tell if individual Rolle 4d6<WIS)
- Arcane Awarness
- Saves vs Spells with advantage
- Surprise from magical creatures not greater than 2-in-6
- Attack penalties against invisible/distored creatures halved
- Attack bonus for invisible/distored creatures halved
- Knacks
- Toughness 1d10 HD
- AC: 6
- HP: 24
- Movement Rate: 120'/40'
- Initiative Modifier: -1
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: 2H sword (-2 intiative, 1d10+1 damage, +2 hit)
- Secondary Melee Attack: Spear (1d6+1 +2 to hit)
- Tertiary Melee Attack: Siver Dagger (1d6+1, +2 hit)
- Primary Ranged Attack: Sling (1d6, +0 hit)
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 13
- Poison & Death 13
- Blast & Breath 14
- Staves & Wands 12
- Spells 15
- Gear:
- Backpack
- Torches x6
- Tinderbox
- Waterskin (x2)
- Rope 50'
- Belt pouch x1
- Large Sack
- Candles x2
- Chalk x2
- Oil flask x2
- Iron Spikes x6
- Iron Rations x7
- Sledge hammer
- Mirror
- Riding Oxen
- AC 7/5 [12/14], HD 3 (13hp), Att None, THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 6, AL Neutral
- Saddle
- Saddle bag x2
- Barding
- bedroll
- AC 7/5 [12/14], HD 3 (13hp), Att None, THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 6, AL Neutral
- Riding Oxen
- Armor:
- Leather Masterwork +1 AC (275cn)
- Shield Masterwork +1 AC (100cn)
- Weapons:
- 2H Sword (150cn)
- Spear. (30cn)
- Silver Dagger (10cn)
- Sling (20cn)
- Total Encumbrance: 715cn
Platinum: Gold: Electrum: Silver: Copper: Gems: