Sally Ravenclaw
Lieutenant Sally Ravenclaw
Neutral Evil Halfling Female
6th Level Necromancer
Appearance: Imagine a four foot tall black haired kender with a top knot and wearing a Germanic themed uniform. Many people find the combination of cute and fascist to be a little disturbing. The fact that she has to use a stool to perform most of her interrogations only helps in the cosmic disconnect.
Personality: Sally Ravenclaw is a chipper, happy, and likable young woman who just happens to be a morbid psychopath. She's never happy as when discussing kittens, her pet dinosaur back home in the Talenta planes, vivisecting subjects, tongue screws, and dentistry. Cassius seems to think her a helpless victim of her nature but she thinks that there's nothing wrong with her.
Background: Sally Ravenclaw was born to House Jorasco Dentists and bears the Siberys Mark of Healing. However, it became immediately apparently that Sally was not entirely up there. She would abuse mercilessly animals and others before healing them with her Mark in order to find out how things worked.
Eventually, she discovered an aptitude for wizardry and the house hoped that she'd put her skills to use in some way that would move away from her ghoulish fantasies. Instead, they were horrified to find that she expressed an interest in Necromancy. Thus was she ensorcelled from her house despite her tremendous gift.
Sally Ravenclaw didn't have to look very far for employment as the Armies of King Kaius were always on the look out for talented Necromancers. Thus, Sally has been in the service of the Red Falcons ever since. Occasionally, she lends her skills to patching up the living but very few of the troopers are willing to lend themselves to her care for any length of time. They needn't worry, there's always someone needing to be interrogated and she's become ever so good at that too!