Scion2e:StairwaytotheHeavens: Jeremy Espinosa

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Jeremy Espinosa, Werebat Emissary of Itzpapalotl, Professional Thief[edit]

"He who is missed the most when he dies, wins."[edit]

Jeremy Espinosa is fairly unique as far as any Band goes, because he's no Scion. He's a werebat aligned to a larger cult of Itzpapalotl, the Church of the Carmine Grail, who are a syncretic religion between old Mexichah paganism and Catholicism - more the former than the latter, admittedly, but they still request you attend confession from an ordained priest regularly. They were originally the Camazotz, the death bats, but then the Maya pantheon drove them northward for their abuse of their worshipers and their opposition to the Hero Twins during their adventures in Xibalba; the ones who didn't regret a thing ended up siding with Coyolxauhqui and her Titanic peers, but the majority ended up realizing their people started it by stealing Hunahpu's head to be used as a ball for no reason apart from annoyance with them losing on purpose and it was funny. Itzpapalotl found them warming themselves in huts, willingly foregoing their cousins' excess and, seeing a similarity in their forms and natures (after all, they too are both human and monster - and more importantly, her name is a reference to bats for a reason), offered them a place at her side as fellow monsters-hunting-worse-ones. These days, they practice a form of "conscientious hedonism"; they see Desire and Altruism as the core of all things, to deny others their desires (especially the fundamental ones like the desire to remain alive, happy, and safe) is a fundamentally suspect and often wicked act, so they engage in Altruistic action of removing obstacles to Desire. With violent prejudice - the titanspawn beast that is their animal side has its Desires too, even if it's fairly tame (vampire bats are pretty social creatures).

Jeremy does not care much about any of that; he was an unwanted child trying to make a living as a pickpocket and petty thief, not some born and bred semi-vampiric warrior-priest. He was good at it too, to the point where the local priestess of the Church, despite having echolocation in her human form, didn't realize he was sneaking into her house, with her in it, until he was outside with a very valuable jewel brooch in his pocket; more than pricey enough to lift him and his gang out of homelessness, and then some. Yamilia Rosales was more impressed than offended by the gifted young burglar, especially once she learned his reasoning. She cut him a deal; show off his scouting skills for her and her personal branch, and he could keep it. He more than succeeded, actually pointing out flaws in the original plan and workarounds in the field. Soon enough, he ended up being adopted into the clan, and from there ritually remade into a full member of the Church; wings and all. He's since become more or less equal parts herald and scout. Truth is, he mostly shows up at Mass so that the elders don't bother him, but he doesn't regret a thing. He's literally superhuman now, when he was stealing to eat before, and he has peers who respected him enough, and emphasized enough, to lift him up. Go Team Death Bat.

Basic Bio[edit]

Concept: Shapeshifting Thief and Scout Gender: Cis Male Age: 24 Pantheon: Teotl Parent: None/Chosen by Itzpapalotl (Denizen) Hair: Brown Eye Color: Green/Black (when powers are active)


Steal something he can brag about (Short Term) (DONE) Help out the fae against the Keepers of the World

Induct a member into the Church of the Carmine Grail (Long Term - Connected to Death Bat) (DONE) Convince the MIBs they can form a union and their own rights (Long Term)

1 Long Term Deed Done

1 Short Term Deed Done

TBD (Band-Wide)

XP 0/6


Origin: School of Urban Survival (Secondary) - Empathy, Survival, Technology

  • Group connections: Fellow street children all grown up, impoverished community
  • Contact connection: Homeless shelter manager
  • Access connection: Local haven for the homeless

Role: Phantom Thief (Primary) - Athletics, Persuasion, Subterfuge

  • Group connections: Nonviolent criminals, clients for stolen goods
  • Contact connection: Old geek friend turned hacker for hire
  • Access connection: Personal hideout/safe zone

Pantheon: Death Bat (Tertiary) - Close Combat, Culture, Occult

  • Group connections: Local branch of the Church of the Carmine Grail, Denizen community.
  • Contact connection: Yamilia Rosales, mentor and Church priestess.
  • Access connection: Shared haven and temple to Itzpapalotl

Legendary Title: He Who Takes Back


Athletics 3 (Stealthy Movement), Persuasion 3 (Coaxing Out Information), Subterfuge 5 (Planning Capers)

Empathy 2, Survival 2, Technology 3 (Security Systems)

Close Combat 2, Culture 2, Occult 2


Arenas: Primary Mental, Secondary Social, Tertiary Physical Favored Approach: Finesse

Intellect 2, Wits 5, Resolve 4

Presence 2, Manipulation 5, Composure 2

Might 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3

Legend: 1/1


Sacrifice 00X00 Hunger


Lover **

Monster (Urge: Kleptomania, paranoia about threats to "colony.") ***

Trickster **

Knacks: (Monster) Nightmare Stalker, Predator's Bond (from Therianthrope), Toxic Blood (Library; acid, poison, antibiotics), (Lover) Fluid Appeal, (Trickster) Light Fingered, In Sheep's Clothing


Innate: Darkness, Nextlahualli

Relic: Deception ("The phantoms of a fallen World").


Deception: Walk Unnoticed

Darkness: Night's Caress


Creature: Chucho Grande (Pup of Fenrir/Red Dog hybrid, uses Fenrir's Pup stats) ****

Relic: Monkey's Paw of the Second Sun (Grants Deception and Unique Knack - Flaw, original owner may demand humiliation once a session or Storyguide gains one Tension) ***

Guide: Yamilia (Tonalpouhque) *

Derived Stats[edit]

Movement Dice: 7

Health: Bruised [ ], Injured [ ], Maimed [ ], Taken Out [ ].

XP: 0/6