Second Annual Top 5 Small Press RPGs Poll

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It's that time of year again! C.W.Richeson has proposed the burning question once more: Which are the 5 best small-press games out there?. Have your opinions changed with the new games and experiences you've encountered in the last year? Or have your solid impressions remained the same?

Top 5 Indie RPGs: 2005-2006

"Indie is self defined, for the purposes of this thread. It generally means small press games, such as those found at Indie Press Revolution, but not necessarily. Take your best guess and have at it! The same goes for the word "best." List the best, your favorite, or just five indie games you think are darned nifty!"


Final Vote Tally

The following results reflect the final tallies of the Top 5 Indie RPGs Poll.

The Top Five

The Runners Up

Eighteen Votes

Fifteen Votes

Twelve Votes

Eleven Votes

Nine Votes

Eight Votes

Seven Votes

Six Votes

Five Votes

Four Votes

Three Votes

Two Votes

One Vote


  • Only the first five votes in each post were counted.
  • The voting for this poll and it's accompanying thread have been closed. If you you'd like to add a link to for a game that is missing one, feel free to edit this page, noting which game you fixed in the edit summary.



To C.W.Richeson for turning this thing into a annual event!

Most importantly, to all those who took the time to sumbit their votes!

--Vasco Brown (aka Karasu)