Seven Thousand Wonders Unfolding

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The least god of the Infinite City, Seven Thousand Wonders Unfolding

The least god of the infinite city is quite material. It appears to be a small mechanical marvel, sometimes in the shape of a bird, a snake, a spider, or a broach. His personality is deferential, and he speaks in a squeaky voice like a tin whistle.

Str: 1 Cha: 4 Per: 3
Dex: 5 Man: 2 Int: 6
Sta: 2 App: 5 Wit: 4

War 5
Integrity 6 (+3 loyalty)
Presence 2
Lore 6
Occult 5
Craft (5el) 5
Craft Genesis 5
Craft Magitek 7 (+3 automatons)
Awareness 2
Dodge 5
Stealth 3
Linguistics 5
Bureaucracy 6
Ride 5
Medicine 5
Sail 5

Essence 4, Willpower 7 Compassion 3 Temperance 3 Conviction 4 Valor 1

Savant 5, Contacts 5

Charms: Hurry Home, Landscape Camouflage, Tiny Gift

The least God of the Infinite City is no longer capable of casting any spells, but he does know the following spells:

Terrestrial circle spells: Claws of the Wood Dragon, Conjuring the Azure Chariot, Dance of the Smoke Cobras, Demon of the First Circle, Emerald Circle Banishment, Emerald Countermagic, Flight of the Brilliant Raptor, Food from the Aerial Table, Hound of the Five Winds, Incantation of Spiritual Discretion, Infallible Messenger, Lesser Golem, Manifestations of Vigorous Design, Open the Spirit Door, Plague of Bronze Snakes, Ravenous Fire, Ritual of Elemental Empowerment, Summon Elemental, The Spy who Walks in Darkness, Virtuous Guardian of Flame, Violent Opening of Closed Portals, six more

Celestial Circle spells: Blood of Boiling Oil, Bone Lion, Demon of the Second Circle, Gift of Knowledge, Hidden Judges of the Secret Flame, Incomparable Body Arsenal, Magma Kraken, Princes of the Fallen Tower, Sapphire Circle Banishment, Sapphire Countermagic, Swift Spirit of Winged Transportation, Summoning the Lesser Minions of the Eyeless Face

He also can teach all solar craft charms, snake style martial arts, all lore charms, and all occult charms.

1. Rivers Between Us

2. River's Contacts

3. Heaven's Mandate